2. Boston

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Over Again

2. Boston

Liam's POV

Touchdown. The jet bumped down into American soil. We all jumped off the plane in Boston and notices the hundreds, I mean hundreds of girls screaming.

"Boys, you follow me and we are going into the black rovers, alright?" We all nodded at Paul, our main bodyguard who ran off ahead of us ad we followed. The moment the door was opened the ear piercing screams of the girls was too much for me. We sprinted away from them as they ran eagerly with us. I ward Harry scream when one girl ripped his top and I lost a shoe. Our Directioners.


"Ahh!" Harry smiled as he and the other boys rested on the sun loungers along a sunny beach beside our hotel.

"I'm going to call Caroline, back in a minute." I said as I took out my iPhone and walked along the beach. Harry tensed at even the sous of her name. He was driving me crazy, she was mine, never his.

C- Hey hun.

L-Hey, we arrived safely and we are now on a beach beside our hotel. Are you busy?

C- Not really. That's good. I miss you.

L- Me too. We are coming back on Friday night, so I'll see you then?

C- Great! Tell Harry and the boys I said hi, ok?

L- Will do, I gotta go, the boys wanna go in the sea. I'll see you soon baby.

C- Okay. When you come back I have a surprise for you.

L- What?

C- I'm not telling you now! Bii babe

L-I love you.

C- Love you too.

I shoved my phone in my pocket. Why would she say 'tell Harry and the boys I say hi' why Harry? Why him! I jut didn't like it, the way he was so in love with her. It made me nervous, thinking that when I'm away he could be calling her or seeing her, he needed to get someone for himself.

Louis was currently dating Eleanor Calder and they have been together since like 2011.

"Let's go." Niall and Louis shouted as we ran into the sea together.


Nobody's POV

The boys all crammed into the car as they drove to some random club after their show tonight.

"Now Liam, watch yourself tonight. You don't wanna hurt Caroline now do you?" Harry said as more of a demand than anything else.

"Oh shut up Harry and stop being so obsessed with my girl, besides who are you to talk to me like that, she will never be yours." I muttered as his face turned furious.

"Come on lads, chillax." Zayn said as we all got out of the car.

"Oh and Harry." I said as all the boys went in.

"Find a girl tonight, don't be hanging on to things that don't want you. And when we come home this weekend, I don't want you near my house, or near her." I said as he moved closer to me clearly angry.

"She's not yours, one day she will be mine. You know that your problem is? You just don't love her enough. You know it, there's nothing to cling on to, you and her are hanging from a fucking string and I live her more than you." He spat as he walked into the club and snogged the first girl he saw.

I walked in after him and planned on having a great night.

Harry's POV

For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off Liam's movements, I always seemed to do this when we were in any place with girls. I guess I hoped that Liam would get drunk and cheat in Caroline. All he seemed to do was dance and drink but he didn't even look at another girl.

I was just looking around at all the happy people and just thought about how lonely I was. I mean, I had no one to love, my family were thousands of miles away and the girl of my dreams was with my best friend, even though we didn't get in the best but he was still like a brother to me. We had our This Is Us movie coming out in like a month so would people really see that lonely side of me? I mean, I got together with Taylor Swift but it didn't work out because she wasn't my type and I also was still in love Caroline. Oh, just the sound if her name sent chills up my spine. I wanted her to be mine, she deserved a man who could truly love her and be there for her when she was lonely, Liam couldn't, but I could. He was going to cheat on her soon, and when I say soon I mean tonight. Nobody will ever know.


Caroline's POV

Liam still wasn't answering his phone, maybe he was still at the arena. I stood in some random club as I watched the figures dance and shuffle around me.

"Hey." Some voice chuckled in my ear and I jumped at the feel of some strangers hands around my waist. I spun around to face him with a frown.

"Taken, sorry." I said but he didn't seem to care.

"Get off me, now." I begged as he let me go. What an asshole.

"Michaela, I'm gonna go. Liam's coming home tonight in like two hours and I'm gonna pick him up at the airport and probably the other boys. Bye." I said as I walked straight out and home to get ready for Liam's arrival. I couldn't wait to see Liam, I know we have been on and off but I want to make everything right with him, but I was going to talk to Liam about having the boys over for a BBQ, I really wanted to see Harry again. Was that weird? I just like him as a friend, he's such a flirt.

Liam doesn't seem to like Harry at the moment, Harry made it too clear that he liked me and it caused anger between to two of them. Would they ever get along? I guess if the day ever comes where I have to choose between the two I them is the day that they let go.

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