7. An Almost Death

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Over Again

7. An Almost Death

Caroline's POV

I woke up in my room to see that Liam had left me a note explaining everything:

Caroline, I'm sorry I had to go but I didn't want to wake you up so I wrote you this. I've seen the reports about you and Damon and I just wanted to say, please don't move on. I still love you and I want to give you anything. Please call me before six in the evening because the show begins then.

I know I'm not the easiest person to be around all the time, I just want to be there for you. I know what I did was a really dick move and I want you to know that I will never leave you. I can't..

I love you, Liam


I picked up my phone right away and dialled his number, he picked up on the first ring.

"Hey. Look please just let me explain-"

"You don't have to explain anything." I said and he thought I was breaking up with him. He was blabbering in for like two minutes about how he loved me and that he was begging for me to take him back.

"Liam! Liam, I'm not breaking up with you." I said as his breath caught in his throat.

"Oh, Caroline thank you. You do understand how sorry I am, right?"

"Yes and you were a bit drunk so you wouldn't have known what you were doing. This is your final chance. Don't hurt me again. Just so you know, if ever I get the slightest inkling that something is going on, we will be over and I will never see you again. Goodnight. And I do love you, bye." I said as he went off line and I went to the front door as it had rang twice.

"Damon! What are you doing here?" I asked as I closed the door behind him.

"I was thinking we could go for a picnic, but you're not ready so will I come back later? And sorry about yesterday, I think I was a bit harsh on somebody I didn't even really know."He told me with a basket in his hands.

"No, no that's fine. I'll be like twenty minutes ok?" I asked as he just smiled at me.


"Okay, I'm ready!" I just finished my sentence as I looked my self up and down the mirror. Casual, skinny black jeans and a woolly jumper. I stepped outside to see a smiling Damon.

"You look beautiful." He said as he stood up from the couch and the bell rang twice.

"Hide! It could be the paparazzi!" I called as he hid under the staircase. It wasn't the paparazzi though.

"Michaela? Hi, um... What's up?" I asked trying to play cool. Sure she was my best friend but this was the worst timing ever.

"What's up? Well what's up is that you're meant to be brokenhearted, but you're not?" She frowned. That could only mean one thing, the public thought Liam and I had broken up. I pretend to draw a tear to my friend sarcastically.

"We haven't broken up. That's what the public think. Mic, look this is a bad time, how about I'll come and see you tonight?" I asked as she nodded and she left.

I hates lying to her but I couldn't exactly just go up and say 'hi this is Damon and he's a guy but just a friend' like that would ever happen! There is no such thing as having just a friend of the opposite sex, you had to be together. The only exception was Harry and Nick Grimshaw, that was until a few days ago when people accused him of being bisexual but he denied them quickly.

"Now. Where we're you thinking of going?" I asked after Michaela left.

"Well, I heard that the park in these hot days is getting a lot of visits from people with their picnics and I was thinking if you wanted to go there?"

"You know something Damon, there's nothing more I want to do than that." I said as we got straight in his car and went on our way.


Liam's POV

The boys and I were driving to our hotel in New York city in our car and I must say Harry looked furious.

"So, Haz, who's that's girl you were with?"Louis asked as all our heads turned to an angry looking Harry.

"We broke up, it doesn't matter." He said still looking out the window. I was about to say something but I fleet Niall's foot hit my leg and he gestured for me

not to.

"Ok well, Paul says that it's gonna be this time Louis, Niall, and I and Liam and Harry in each room." Zayn said as Louis cheered.

"I'm not going with him." Harry spat and was now looking my way.

"Oh don't be such a little girl!" I joked but he stayed furious until we pulled up at the hotel to see screaming fans outside.

We jumped out all smiles now, it's amazing how we can change in a matter of seconds, we all laughed even though I could see Harry still looking angry. I went off to sign some fans autographs and took photos with them. I looked at all the fans but one caught my eye, she was beautiful. I went over to her and took a picture and some if the people around her but I slid her a note and winked, nobody saw it. I left and walked into the hotel after waving goodbye to our fans.

"I'll never get bored of doing this!" Louis joked as we went to our rooms. Harry and I went inside and I kicked the door shut, with our crew we has taken up an entire floor!

"So, you managed to break her heart once more, and her wrist!" Harry spat at me and threw his bag on the ground as I did the same with mine.

"I could say the same for you and you girlfriend or ex should I say? Caroline and I are still together so you don't have to worry." I fake smiled at him as he moved closer to me and our fists clenched.

"You've got competition now. Damon will win, he's everything you're not. I bet she's already having doubts!" He joked and I had enough.

My fists balled as it came into strong contact with his face. He paused for a moment as the blood trickled down his nose and he ran at me with all his might and knocked me backwards into the shelf that tumbled down, most of the contents hitting my head. I lifted my arm to punch him but my

right leg rose up and hit him in the pancreas as he stumbled around the room. I went in for a second attack and his head flitched to the side, narrowly missing my fist. He took the advantage and sent an uppercut into my chin as I fell on the floor and he leaned over me as numerous punches slammed into my face knocking me forwards and backwards. We both had cuts on our faces now and bruises on our lips, our fists red and bloody.

I tries to move but my body was coming weaker, only one way out. The next fist came down but I caught it and used my free hand to shove him off. I wasted no time as I jumped into the air and my two feet slammed into his chest as I tumbled to the floor but quickly getting up as he slid done the wall he fell into as his pupils dilated and he lied on the floor with blood pouring out his mouth.

"Harry... HARRY!" I shouted but there was no reaction from him as he just lied there. I... Did I kill him?

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