12. Surfing

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Over Again

12. Surfing

Caroline's POV

"Morning princess. I've missed you this week." I woke up to the feel of Liam's cold hand running up and down my back.

"Hey. Why did you still like a girl yesterday?" I manages to get out before my head hit the covers again.

"Oh, um... The fans kind of rub off you at the hotel and stuff so that's probably why. Whatcha do this week?" He asked as his finger ran down my leg, I was wearing underwear at least.

"Nothing really. Saw Damon on Monday, but he left to America last night." I sadly said as all the memories of last night came back to me.

"Caroline, you're acting like your hurt he hurt you? Cus if he did I could go and visit him?" He asked as my eyes opened like stalks.

"No! You stay well away from him, ok? What are we doing this weekend?" I asked as I sat up on the bed.

"My parents wanted to see you today but tomorrow it's meant to be lovely weather like today so I was going to take you surfing." He smiled a smile I couldn't resist.

"Honey, you are hardly ever home and seeing your parents, well I wanted to spend time with you. I don't get to see you enough as it is." I complained.

"Ok, well I was thinking of staying here today, not like in the house, in the bedroom." He smiled and I nodded, why not?

Technically speaking this would be our first real time and to be honest, I couldn't wait!


Damon's POV

DAMON!!!! I shouted in my head.

How could I have been so stupid? I had only been gone twelve hours and already the pain of not seeing her in ages was unbearable and it was slowly killing me inside. And then I had told her about how I feel and how I wanted to be with her, but she didn't feel that way towards me, she never did, and I don't think she ever will.


Next Day

Caroline's POV

I think it was safe to say that I was exhausted as to what happened in my bedroom yesterday, Liam and I spent six hours in there!

"Come on!" Liam urged me whilst smiling and I gave an as I rapped the rope at the end of the surfboard around my right ankle and pushed my blared out to the sea. The flag on the beach was red which meant there should be nobody in the sea but loads of pro surfers were out on the waves as the water crashed into the rocks.

"Liam!" I called when I stood up from my board as he smiled at me as I was riding a wave, his smile began to fade and he looked scared for me, I frowned not understanding why.

"CAROLINE!" He roared as he pointed in front of me and I spun around now feeling scared too.

But I was too late, the strongest wave I was on sent me head first into the rocks, then, blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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