16. Fresh Air and Exercise

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Harry stopped by later in the afternoon, saying the girls had invited him out to "party" again that night

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Harry stopped by later in the afternoon, saying the girls had invited him out to "party" again that night.

"Are you sure you're up for that?" I asked, teasing just a bit. "You probably still have alcohol in your blood from last night."

"Now, Nurse Ellie, you know that's not true," he shot back with a smirk. "Besides, who says I'm going to drink again?"

"If you're with us, you probably will," I laughed.

Just then, my kitty sauntered into the room and started brushing up against Harry's legs, purring, waiting for him to love on her.

He looked down in alarm. "You have a cat?"

"No," I said dryly. Then I picked her up and cuddled her, saying, "This is Catniss."

"Catniss? As in The Hunger Games?" He said, poking fun at my choice of names.

"Yes," I said, playfully defensive. "I read the first book in high school and I was kind of obsessed. I couldn't resist the name when I got her."

He laughed at my reasoning, but then he told me, "I'm allergic to cats, though, so don't mind if I keep my distance."

"It's fine," I replied, locking her in the spare room for the time being.

Aaliyah and Meg were still sleeping, so I invited Harry to sit down. "So you really had fun last night?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," he answered emphatically. "It was great."

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "That doesn't seem like your style – partying, getting drunk, Latin dancing...."

"It's not, usually, but it was a treat in any case. I'm glad you talked me into taking them out."

"Yes, I talked you into it," I murmured while rolling my eyes.

Just then, he sneezed three times in succession, startling me and apparently himself. "Sorry," he said sniffling. "It's the cat. Can I get some water?"

I stood up and led him to the kitchen area and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. I plopped a few ice cubes into the glass, filled it with water and handed it to him.

"Thanks," he smiled. "I'll have to remember to take an extra antihistamine when I visit you." He sneezed two more times, and once he recovered, he looked around a little more intently at my kitchen. "Nice décor." I detected a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Are you serious, or are you poking fun at me?"

He shrugged. "I'm a little surprised at the rake on your wall," he said nodding to my utensil holder.

"I like using re-purposed items. I'm trying to help save the earth. Besides, this is my style,  country meets shabby chic."

"That's a nice way to put it," He snipped.

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