21. Ballroom

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It wasn't long before Harry became consumed with details about the new pediatric emergency room. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd be involved in every step. He had meetings with architects, meetings about the technology involved, meetings about staffing, meetings, meetings, meetings! He helped to decide whether the pediatric emergency room would have a separate entrance or share the entrance with the existing emergency department. He was able to give his professional opinion about the number of exam rooms and beds that would be needed, and how much additional support would be required from the radiology, surgery and other departments. It was obvious to me that Harry thrived on being in charge, at least partly in charge in this case. But it took a toll on our newly budding relationship.

Even so, he did his best to make time for me. It was to our advantage that the romance was still very new, so we were both eager to carve out time for each other. 

Late one afternoon, after he'd been involved in meetings all day about the cutting edge equipment that could and should be included in the new ER, he stopped by my apartment, knowing I wasn't working that evening. He came in, fell back on the sofa, and promptly sneezed three times in a row. 

"I'm sorry," I pouted as I put Catniss into another room and shut the door. "If you and Catniss aren't able to co-exist, I might have to get rid of one of you." 

He smiled lazily and pointed out, "It doesn't cost you anything to keep me, but you have to buy cat food and litter and silly toys for her. And don't forget scooping her litter box."

I sat down next to him and leaned into his chest, prompting him to put his arm around me. "On the other hand, Catniss is infinitely loyal to me, she snuggles with me when I go to bed, and she makes me feel better no matter how hard my day has been." 

Harry kissed my forehead and murmured, "For the record, I'd be willing to snuggle with you in your bed whenever you need me."

I gave him a playful slap on his belly while he laughed quietly. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked. "Stay in, order Chinese and watch some corny old film? You must be exhausted."

"I am," he said, and then he yawned as if to confirm the idea. "That sounds wonderful, actually." Then he sneezed as the perfect precursor to his next request. "Can we do it in my apartment though? I didn't bring my antihistamine."

"Of course," I grinned, giving him what was meant to be a short kiss, but he held me in place and took his time letting me go. My face was flushed by the time he finished ravishing my lips.

I changed into some comfy yoga pants and an over-sized, long-sleeved t-shirt. Sometimes the air conditioning in our building didn't seem to quite get rid of the humidity, and other times it felt like I was living in the arctic. Tonight, it was the arctic.

"Do you mind if I wear my comfy clothes?" I asked as I stepped out of my bedroom. "Or is this going to be a formal affair?"

He broke out in that signature dimpled smirk, saying, "I'm going to get comfy, too, so we're on the same page." I wondered if that meant his joggers and no shirt again. I wasn't sure I could handle that much skin while we cuddled up to watch movies. 

When we reached his place, he changed into a plain white t-shirt with his sweatpants, thankfully. He looked more cozy that way and I knew I'd love snugging into his side. He motioned for me to follow him through his enormous kitchen to a small side room, separated by a pocket door. He slid the door open and revealed a rather nice bar with a wine cooler and countless bottles of liquor, some I'd never heard of. 

"You like to drink," I said. It was more of a comment than a question. 

He shrugged. "It relaxes me. But it's good practice to keep a stocked bar just in case I'm entertaining. Would you like some wine?" 

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