36. Resuscitation

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The following afternoon, we were headed north on I-94

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The following afternoon, we were headed north on I-94. Harry had worked the night shift and then snagged six hours of sleep before we departed. I offered to drive, but he insisted on taking the wheel because that's what he had offered to do.

In any other circumstance, I would have found this thrilling, to be on a mini road trip with Harry. But Thomas's death clouded everything. I was still extremely thankful that Harry was with me, but for obvious reasons, I couldn't consider this anything but a loving gesture and a helping hand. 

We arrived just before dinner. Again, Chloe was the first out of the house, shrieking with joy, followed by my mother yelling out the door, "Put a coat on, Chlo!" She ignored Mom and ran straight to me, jumping into my arms as soon as I stepped out of the car. 

"Mmm," I crushed her into a hug. "It's so good to see you, Bugaboo."

"You, too!" She squealed with glee. "But I'm sad that Tommy died." The look on her face turned into an appropriate frown. It was cute to hear her say Tommy. I had never called him that, I don't know why. Almost everyone else did.

Harry retrieved our bags from the trunk and followed me up the front steps. My father bolted out the door and took the bags from Harry, disappeared inside and then came back in a flash, offering his hand. "I'm Harvey Jansen." 

"Harry Styles," Harry responded, giving my father a firm handshake. Then he turned to my mother and said, "Lovely to meet you. Thank you so much for having me."

"I'm Mary Lou," she responded, smiling her widest. 

We poured into the warmth of the house, greeted by the delectable smells of dinner. My father took Harry's coat, and then Harry looked down at Chloe, who was acting shy all of a sudden. 

"I remember you!" Harry said to her, poking a finger into her belly. She responded with an adorable smile. Then he said, "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" Chloe giggled.

"Cows go."

"Cows go who?" 

Harry stifled a chuckle and said, "No, silly, cows go moo!"

Chloe slapped her hand to her forehead and laughed like crazy. Then she said, "OH! I know a cow one, too!" Her eyes grew as wide as apples while Harry awaited the joke. "Knock, knock." 

"Who's there?" Harry dutifully answered.

"Interrupting cow," Chloe said, trying to contain her giggles.

"Interrupt-" Harry began but was cut off by Chloe's punchline.

"Moooo!" She said, drawing out the sound. Harry laughed loudly, apparently finding the joke quite funny.

They continued with the silly jokes until my mom called us to the table for dinner. Chloe yelled, "Ima sit by Harry!" With that she grabbed his hand and led him to the seat right next to hers. A superb chicken pot pie awaited us at the table, perfect for the chilly fall weather.

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