troyeboy🌸- hey wait con?
connie✨- yeah?
troyeboy🌸- u live in LA correct?
connie✨- indeed
troyeboy🌸- we should like formally meet and like get coffee or something ??
troyeboy🌸- srry I know it's lame idk
connie✨- awh that's not lame at all
troyeboy🌸- really??!
connie✨- really.
connie✨- I actually happen to really love coffee sooooo
troyeboy🌸- YAY
connie✨- so like?? what is this??
troyeboy🌸- wdym
connie✨- pls don't make me say it I'm just a bean
troyeboy🌸- oh
troyeboy🌸- you're asking if this is a like a date ??¿
connie✨- well um...
troyeboy🌸- it is if u want it to be
connie✨- i think I do want it to be
troyeboy🌸- okay 😊
troyeboy🌸- sooo.. it's a date then?
connie✨- yeah :)
ooooo ;)