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third person pov

The annoying chime of Connors phone pried him from his slumber and he groaned turning the dreaded device off.

Then he suddenly remembered:
today is meeting Troye day.

His heart fluttered as he thought about the boy he had talked to simply through Instagram chat. He bet that Troye was even more beautiful in person.

Connor rolled out of bed, suddenly in a much better mood than he was when he first awoke.

He walked to the kitchen, starting his daily routine of brewing dark roast coffee, his favorite kind.

The sound of his phone vibrating startled him, but made a smile appear on his face as he realized who was texting him.

troyeboy🌸- CoNNOR

troyeboy🌸- GUESS WHAT

troyeboy🌸- wE MEET TODAY!

troyeboy🌸- ok but I'm confused. why the fuck did you say yes to a date with me?

connie- Troye I said yes because I have feelings for you. Every time you text me, my heart literally flutters and I couldn't place what it was but now I know. I really really like you. And I can't wait to meet you :))

Troyeboy🌸- awh what the fuck con. I'm crying, it's almost noon so I'm going to take a shower. I'm picking you up at 1:30 okay?

connie- okay Troye boy😊


After spending a good while on what to wear, Connor finally decided to throw on a black under shirt and a dark green flannel with a pair of dark jeans and black converse.

At promptly 1:25 a timid knock sounded on his door and his nerves sunk in.

He had never met and internet friend before, and he's certainly not been in a date for a long while, but then again, neither had Troye.

He grabbed his house key and slipped in his shoes before opening the door with clammy hands.

He wasn't prepared for the beautiful boy that stood in front of him. He couldn't form coherent words, he just stood there in awe, till Troye cleared his throat.

"No hugs?" He frowned playfully his accent making Connor swoon. Almost immediately the shorter boy tackled Troye in a tight hug, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"Holy shit you're real." Connor mumbled, not wanting to let go of the warm embrace. Troye giggled in Connors ear, kissing his cheek before they separated.

Connors cheeks flushed red at the small gesture and he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Troye smiled holding out his hand for Connor, who gladly obliged, lacing their fingers together, his skin tingling from the new feeling.

"Wanna walk there?" Connor asked, getting a nod from Troye who was blushing as well.

After walking the 15 minute walk to the coffee shop, hands still clasped together, They sat in small booth.

"Soooo." Troye began, taking a sip of his latte. "How's everything going with business school?" Troye asked, getting a groan in response from Connor.

"It honestly sucks so fucking much." he sighed, remembering how much homework he had.

"I bet, school just never was my thing. I like making music much more." Troye explained, his eyes lighting up as he mentioned music.

"Oh right! How's the music going??!" Connor asked, looking up at the smiling boy.

"It's really good just tiring and stuff." Connor nodded in response, trying to think of something else to talk about.

Troye suddenly reached across the table and grabbed Connors hand, causing him to look up with flushed cheeks and curious green eyes.

"Connah, listen I know we just met, but we have been talking for a while and I really feel some type of way about you. I know that you feel it as well as me, but I don't want to be just friends anymore, I-I'm not experienced with any of this relationship stuff but. " he paused, using his other hand to tilt up Connors chin, so that their eyes met in a gaze.

"but- I want it. I want you to be mine. Would you do me the honour of becoming my beautiful boyfriend?" Troye asked nervously.

In response, Connor pushed his lips to Troye's. It wasn't a extremely heated kiss, but sweet, and meaningful. The new feeling, made Troye's heart flutter and he wanted to leave this place so that they could kiss more.

After a short while, Connor broke the kiss, resting kiss for head against Troye's.

"Is that a yes?" Troye teased, still catching his breath. Connor just giggled and pecked his lips again, whispering yes against them.


:) happy?

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