Chapter 4 |Social Expectations And The Works ✔

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"You know the phone didn't do anything to you right?"
I almost jump with fright at the voice tearing my eyes from where I had been angrily sending hate mail to my parents for putting me up to utter rejection by Derrick's friends.

I look up to see a guy seated on the same bench as me holding two corn dogs on his hand. How I had not heard him sitting down, I do not know.

The guy is wearing no costume. From what I can tell due to the dim arcade lights a few feet away from the bench, his complexion is the same shade of brown if not darker. He's kinda cute and the grin he's sporting isn't helping.

"You want one? " he offers.
I'm about to say no because let's face it people,as much as my love for corn dogs is bigger than Kim K's ass, stranger danger still exists people and besides, he might only be doing this to get in my pants. But as if on cue my stomach rumbles. My face heats up in embarrassment as his eyes widen as he looks at my belly. I grin sheepishly when his eyes meet mine.

"You may not want one, but your belly definitely cannot resist " he says as he shoves the thing in my direction.

I gladly take it and take a bite. I almost moan in pleasure as I taste heaven in my mouth. I don't know if the corn dog was genuinely that good or I was really really hungry either way it was perfection. The last time I had tasted corn dogs that good is when we bought them with Kaylee before she......

My train of thought is interrupted by whistling coming from the guy. Immediately I turn to him he shrugs before taking a bite of his corndog.
I swallows real fast before muttering, "Excuse me if waiting for a simple thanks is asking too much."

Then it hits me,OMIGOSH!! I hadn't said thank you.

"I'm so sorry, thank you so much for the corn dog. Didn't realize I needed it till you offered but thanks still. "

He chuckles slightly as he stared at where his corn dog used to be and said," It's alright. Just glad I could help."

I feels good to meet someone genuinely nice in this universe. Hey, maybe he wasn't doing it just to get my pants...

"..but save the thank you's for when I do you one better tonight? " as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.


Tha hell!Seriously universe, can you just let me have my moment?

Bile is rising up my throat and just as I'm about to get up and walk away before I do something I regret, he laughs! The dude laughs. I frown trying to get the joke.

"Oh! You should have seen your face" he says in between chuckles, "priceless."
" What is wrong with you? " is all I manage to say.

" Hey I'm messing with you chica take it slow. You look new here and I just wanted to lighten the mood since you looked intense."
"Intense!! "


One more wrong thing and imma show what intense really means.

The dude now looks like he's scared shitless and he has good reason to," I... mean.. I.. mean... " he outstretches his hand," hi, my name's Jake. Welcome to Damson. "

I blink once, twice then I glance at his hand." Cool" I say with a shrug and turn back to my phone. I note it's at 10%. Ah great. Just my freaking luck.
"Look, I don't know where you moved from but call me crazy for thinking social expectations were universally applied." Jake says after with drawing his hand.
"What do you mean? " I raise an eyebrow at him. Instantly those words escape my lips, the song starts playing in my head. I shake my head, stupid brain, since when did you start liking his songs.
'Since you downloaded the freaking song on your ipod about month ago and you put it on reshuffle last night!' my subconscious screeches at me.

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