12: The Secret Behind His Contempt

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Anyway, a recap, because I'm sure a lot of you might forget what this story's about:

April Hale is a real weird girl. She has a neighbor whom she often eavesdrop to, and her neighbor is none other the school's bad boy, Ryder Black. April and Ryder never really interact, before then an incident brought them to each other's attention, and Ryder asked her to stay in her room when his father threw him out.

Now, the thing is, when Ryder was staying over, he borrowed Quentin's shirt. Quentin is April's twin brother and he's very anal about fashion, and a few weeks later, when Quentin sees Ryder parading around with his shirt, he's infuriated. April decides to save the day by telling Ryder about the situation, but this leads Ryder to kidnap her to the mall.

They bonded on the mall, and April discovers that Ryder actually

1. Have a lot of 'old' friends

2. Actually knows her name

Things start to look better on their relationship... or is it, really?


12: The Secret Behind His Contempt

There were a lot of things that could make my soul jump  away from my body. I’m a scaredy-cat, and it’s not that hard to surprise the living poo out of me. 

But then when I saw Quentin and his gank sneaking on the same hallways that me and Ryder were threading, I could literally feel my soul getting sucked to hell and back and heaven and back. 

“Did you just swallow your own vomit?” Ryder was looking at me with squinting eyes.

I was about to describe my brief celestial experience, but then Quentin noticed us first.


“April?” he whisper-shouted. “Ryder?!” he shout-whispered.

‘Hell and Back and Heaven and Back part 2’.

As I regained my consciousness of my mundane existence, they were in a pseudo screaming-whispering match.

You see, our school had a pretty strict rules about people who skip classes. Anyone who was caught loitering around the halls without the aid of the sacred yellow notes from the teachers would be punished in the worst way possible: a private session with our principal. Nobody wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Mr. Trask about their absence in education.

“What the hell are you doing with my sister, fuckface?!” Quentin was baring his teeth.

“It’s none of your business cocksucker!” Ryder bared his teeth, too.

For two people who hated each other with burning passion, they sure love to communicate their hatred with words concerning copulation.

“Q, don’t be too loud,” much to my dismay, Andrew’s blonde hair poked from behind. 

“Come here, Ap,” Quentin grabbed my wrist and then tug me towards him. “You can’t hang with this freak of nature.”

I thought everything would be done by then, but as Quentin was turning around, Ryder’s hand grabbed onto his shoulder.

Ryder sniffed once before he sprouted. “You skipped class to smoke?”

“Yeah, so?” my brother, unaware of the dangerous change in Ryder’s eyes, broke into a smug smile.

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now