2.5: Honesty is the Best Policy

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2.5: Honesty is the Best Policy

"That's Alexshit's ipod?!" Ryder always adorably found a way to give adorable nicknames to the men around him. Bonus points if the men were also regulars in communicating with me.

Quentin, since he's going to college far away from Greenville, had gone from 'Quentin the Ape' to Smelly Q.

Andrew (*remember the blonde ditz who had a huge crush on April but then decided that they're not meant to be together after all on Book One?*) was Dumblond on Ryder's contacts. But now since he's so far away on his football scholarship and we hardly ever text each other anymore (he got a girlfriend and another girl on the side who convinced him that it's not cheating when the other party doesn't know), Ryder only called him by his name.

Yay for distance?

Alex had just been simply Alex. Because Ryder never would have thought that I'd be interacting regularly with him, plus they never met each other again since the last incident (*Quirky Tale of April Hale chapter 26*). But now Ryder found out that Alex and I were attending the same universities and Alex was dating my housemate, ergo he would be hanging out in my townhouse a lot.

So he became Alexshit.

"He has some really bad songs," I said with my reassuring tone. "Plus I don't put the earpods too far on my ears because I don't want to share my earwax with him."

Ryder made a grossed out face. "I was licking your ears ten minutes ago, April."

"Don't worry, my earwax are hidden pretty deep inside my ears," I said, a little lightheaded when I remembered what we had just done just before Ryder noticed the ipod on my table. I never knew that being licked in the ear would feel so... good. It feels a little bit like peeing after you held your bladder for hours. I could literally shudder just by thinking about it.

"Hey, hey," Ryder flicked his fingers. "Don't daydream in the middle of my rant."

"Sorry, I was just remembering how good it is to be licked on the ear."

The velocity in which anger got replaced by sheer smugness on Ryder's face was amazing. "That good, huh?"

"It feels like peeing after you hold your bladder for hours."

"You should have stopped at the first sentence and never bother to explain how it makes you feel."

I bit my lip, disappointed that Ryder was losing his 'I want to make out' face. "I just killed the mood, didn't I?"

He nodded. "Don't talk about bladder or earwax or other bodily fluids when we're in the topic of Pleasure." He paused, and then drummed his fingers on my arm. "Wait, certain bodily fluids are fine..."

"Like what?" I asked.

Ryder absent-mindedly drummed his fingers on my arm, and then his forehead hardened. "Ugh. I remembered that stupid ipod and then I get pissed off again."

"What's wrong with lending an ipod?"

"He tried to bribe me with an ipod last year, remember? And then now he's lending you another ipod. What, does that guy is so creatively blocked that he can't think of any other thing aside from an ipod?"

I laughed because it was such a funny notion from him. "Maybe music is important to him."

"Musically talented people are usually saints. Alex? Not so much."

"Why do you hate him anyway?" I finally asked. I always knew that there was more history than what Ryder had let me on, but I never really thought so much about Alex to care.

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