24. is all tension supposed to be this... tense?

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How in the name of Satan did this happen?

Was it the works of some magic or something?

It still felt so surreal to him.

Why did he open his big mouth and then just say those words without thinking?

Although, now that he thought about it, he was glad that he was stupid enough to say those words.

He had asked not one, but TWO girls to live with him.

None of the request were sexual in nature, although he knew that some people might object vehemently to that statement.

(Bella didn't like wearing a bra inside the apartment. And the voice that she made when one of her married men came for a 'Cooking Lesson' would have put a lot of porn stars to shame.)

That wasn't even the worse part.

He didn't mind taking the couch. He didn't mind finding hair on the bathroom, or accidentally step onto some hair pins. Hell, he didn't even mind having to hear April have occasional phone-call with that bastard Alex.


(April Hale in pajamas.

April Hale in pajamas, slapping jam into her bread.

April Hale in an oversized t-shirt.

April Hale, once, in his oversized t-shirt. Slapping jam into her bread. While humming the Star Wars theme.)

God. It's like she was determined to show him what he had been missing all these four years.




24. is all tension supposed to be this... tense?


Living with Bella had been... a different experience. She had a different sleeping schedule than me. Scratch that, she had a different sleeping schedule than most people. She went to bed when birds started chirping and only woke up when she couldn't stand how her breath smelled against her pillow.

It was not an entirely bad experience, though. Because turned out that Bella had another schedule that I could relate to. Tuesday, she would hang out with a man who had a strapping figure and blonde hair. Thursday, it would be a bearded man with a lumberjack attire. She said she lost her Wednesday man, but she was working on a cute Barista with major hipster vibe.

"That's really cool," I said, nodding as I poured granola towards my Pesto spaghetti. "At Thursdays, I only eat wheat-based food."

"I know, right? Routine is good for mental health. Ugh, you should see that Barista guy! He's so cute! He has this anchor tattoo on his forearm and he listens to Sex Pistol and pose as a nude-model for an art class on Saturdays. He ticks the all the box on 'The Ultimate Hipster Pack'."

The pesto granola tasted weirdly amazing. "I'm glad that you're fine. Although I'll be much better if we're having this conversation in a more forgiving hour. Like, maybe at 5PM instead of 2AM?"

"Aw, sorry. But Mike just got home at 1AM, so I can only come out now."

"Oh, is Mike the-"

"The blonde businessman who would bring me schoolgirl costumes, yes." She nodded. "He said he has a thing for Asians. I bet he treats me better than his wife."

"That's a really bad thing to say, Bella," I said, but then who was I to judge if I thoroughly enjoyed pineapple on my pizzas? Some people might say I was the bigger offender, here.

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now