2.9: The Poison Called Jealousy

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2.9: The Poison Called Jealousy

There were several reasons why school today made me feel bloated.

#1. Drama.

Literally drama. I took drama classes thinking that I could learn something akin to acting. That was the brochure was talking about, and I naively trusted mistyped words on some flimsy papers.

What I found was a group full of people ready to drop their tears in command.

Julia Roberts had no candle compared to these crowd. They could talk about EGGS and they'd start to cry as if the EGGS were their blood siblings.

I even quoted one of them:

"I cracked my eggs FIVE METERS AWAY FROM THE STOVE, Steve! Five meters away! It was a premature death! It didn't deserve this! It had given up life as a cute, healthy baby chick to be one with me, and I wasted its sacrifice!" cue teardrop, then waterfall, and a lot of clapping from the listeners, me included.

I was actually thinking that she was a genius. For she was able to trigger such emotions in just 15 seconds for a single, cracked, store-bought egg.

#2. A lot of invasions by Aliens

What I meant by Aliens were these... strange... overly friendly... people.

They all had this identical smile, where your lips were stretched from one end of your face to another, but somehow the smile didn't really reach your eyes.

They all knew my name, called my name and greeted me when we bypassed each other at the campus. Worse, they felt the need to touch my shoulder when they cornered- no wait, be kind April, I meant talked to me.

Oh the horror.

In the end, my phone contact list was expanded, involuntarily, by 20 more names.

I felt bad but I forgot most of the names right after they punched their numbers in.

#3. The creature walking like he knew he was a God's gift to the earth, respond exclusively to Alex Malefeci. Or was it Milleflue? Or Maleficent?

Whatever his name was, his presence caused great disturbance.

It was a different kind of disturbance from Ryder's presence. Ryder made me nauseous and felt a violent tingling on my stomach. Ryder also made me feel all kinds of warm on my chest, a feeling that so far, only my family had been able to give me.

Alex... well, Alex was a different case. His kind of disturbance was the hyperventilating kind. Jumpy kind. The kind that made me feel like a small rabbit being stalked by a giant fox.

"Hey April!" he tapped my shoulder.

Or turtle. At least rabbit had great reflexes. With turtles, any kind of animal could touch it with ease.

I knew that it was obligatory for me to reply a greeting, but then since he had talked to me about Ryder that one morning, I felt the neccesity to avoid him. I didn't even know why. I just felt jumpy and he constantly made me-

"Earth to April?"

"For all the love of weasel's piss on your gravestone!" I screamed/jumped.

Jumped. He made me jump a lot.

"My God Oh, sorry!" I managed to correct my Yoda-vention because I knew that he would find it amusing... and not in a kind way.

"So what're your classes today?"

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