2.4: 69 Woodworks and 96 Filmworks to Declare Undying Love

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2.4: 69 Woodworks and 96 Filmworks to Declare Undying Love

I could sense it before my alarm go off. People. Stampede. Door. Privacy. My really good dream about me meeting Doctor Who ending.

Oh... no.

"Apriiiilll, waaakkeeee upp!" the voice hollered from outside my room, accompanied with really scary rapping on my door.

"Waaakeeeeuuppp!" the voice boomed again.

I bid adieu to the Doctor as I felt my dreamworld falling apart. I was supposed to have another five minutes of this. I was supposed to at least get into the Tardis*.

"C'mon sleepyheeeeaaadd!" the voice kept on yapping.

For a second I considered that there might be a secret society of assassins sent to kill me in my sleep, but then most assassins wouldn't bother to wake the potential victim before killing them. That, and they'd probably know how to deal with a locked door.

My housemates, on the other hand, thought that a locked door meant that they get to rap and kick and slam at it until I had to give in and open the door for them.

"Why are you so loud in the morning?" I said while putting a hand over my mouth. My morning breath is nobody's business but mine and sometimes Ryder's, only.

Trisha, Lauren, and Mindy all looked like they had one hour to get ready and another hour to put on their makeup and do their hair. Trisha, in particular, was brimming with so much energy that I could almost see it wafting around her body.

"We should go to the campus together!" despite the door being open, she still didn't lower her volume.

Lauren looked prettier than the night before, and her eyes somehow became bigger from the amount of eyeliner that she put on her monolids. "C'mon, get ready. I'll give you ten minutes."

"My alarm is supposed to ring in ten minutes," I said through my hand.


I put aside my hand a little bit. "My alarm is supposed to ring in ten minutes."

Trisha grabbed my wrist, but I held my hand over my mouth in fear of them fainting because of my dragon breath. "No, please, I smell bad in the morning."

The three of them somehow let out 'awww' voices in response of my honesty. They all stepped in to hug me, which felt really uncomfortable and I hated how their clothes have really weird textures, and then they sent me back to my room.

"But be ready in 10 minutes!" the three of them reminded me. "I'll give you some mint for the bad breath- gosh, she's so cute!" the last comment was in a hushed giggle.

I didn't understand what inspired them to actually think that bad breath is cute. Even I didn't want to deal with it, and it's my own breath. And then I remembered what Alex had told me last night and felt a shudder.

"Just be your wonderful, socially-challenged self, and they'll love you."

I knew that I should be offended with most of his words. I knew Ryder would.

But even as my alarm ring, even after I brushed my teeth and drink a cup of orange juice (the bitter taste wakes my brain up) and try to get offended, I couldn't.


You got a text message!

April to Ryder the Great:

'There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go poke it with a stick!'


Ryder to Kitten:

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now