Chapter 8- A CalmDay

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I awoke to nothing. Silence saunters through the room as a scroll my eyes across the walls of my room. To my surprise no one came knocking. From these past few days, it feels like I always sleep in to a point them at someone knocks at my door. I waited more, and more. But still nothing. My eyes raced around the room as I still taunted my emotions by expecting something to move. But still nothing. Then, of course, I hear a knock. I answer the door, still in my pyjamas. It was Joy. I invited her inside and I went to make jasmine tea. (Yes that is a thing,,,,, I think.) once I finished making the tea, I went to join Joy in the front room. I sat next to her on the couch. We just talked about random things, like, cat videos and unicorns. Being the random people we are.    
"Joy I'm sorry to break this up but I need to get dressed!"
"It's okay! We've been at it for like 30minutes." I head to my room and get dressed.

" I head to my room and get dressed

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(This is what she is wearing. Sorry about my horrid drawing)

I then wet back downstairs to join Joy, he was sat patiently on the sofa twiddling with her thumbs. She seemed nervous but why for, I wonder... That's when she notices me, she immediately improved her posture and moved her hands to her lap. I've never Seen her this way before, what's on her mind? I decided not to question and carry on with the conversation. We laughed and smiled for around and hour and she had to go. It was now 5PM. Wow time sure flys when your having fun.
"Yes?" He replied,
"How's your day been."
"Well I was asleep dreaming of tuna."
"Speaking of tuna, I have some in the cupboard. Would you like some?"
"Okay fatty calm down,"
"Am not.."
"Pffftt sure." I then lay down the tuna I got from the cupboard. He gobbled it down and within a few minutes it was gone. He was now sat licking himself, I sat on the couch..,    What a calm day I thought to myself.

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