Chapter 6- WHY ME?!

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It was a normal day in my house. I woke up brushed my hair, as normal, as I heard a knock at the door.
"Oh great." I thought to myself as I opened the door. It was.... Well..... I don't know but she seems familiar. (ALL THE DAM FEMALES AT HER DOOR)
"Hello," she stated while bowing. "I am  Jocey Jones and I am here to become a resident here in this town and everyone said this was the Lord's house."
"Well they were right and yes you can stay. By the way you are lucky you get the last vacant house!" I went from happy to exited within a matter of seconds.
"Excuse me but.... You eyes.... There---"
"Different colours I know."
"Errrm... No. You see they are changing colour..."
"WHAT?" I rush to a mirror to see my once purple eye a deep shade of a yellow, orange colour.
"WHAT? WHY?" I start to sob. I presume the village heard me shouting and came to see if everything was okay. I looked up. It warmed my heart to know they cared.
"Lord Cadenza...." One said in complete fear. My now yellow eye tyres back to purple.
"I'm sorry. I have failed you, in fact everyone. I have been struck with this.... Curse and can't get rid of it." I watched as my purple eye turned blue. Then I figured it out. Every time my emotion changes so does my eye colour. Very curious. Once again it changed from blue to orange. (Curiosity) everyone just stared.
"EVERYONE MEET AT THE TOWN CENTRE IN 10 MINUTES." I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. I arrived at the town centre, everyone was there. 
"Everyone! I have announcement to make." I heard slight mutters of some of the more arrogant villagers. "Everything has happened to me. Yet you stay by my side with my choices so far, I just wanted to thank you greatly for your loyalty to a person who can bearly look after herself let alone run a village. Yes. I'm not a good leader but I will make sure you are happy. the main point of this meeting was to discuss my eyes and how you feel about me being... Well a demigod."
"Well I think you should be kicked out and or be-headed."
"THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR." My mother shouted from a distant rooftop that she was sat on. Tears started to well up and threaten to drop out of my eyes. My friend, Joy, came and conformed me and told me everything would be okay.
"See what I mean she's a weakling." The girl, who's name was Carol, was now getting stared at.
"You know what!" I got up from weeping. "You are by my word are now banished from the village of Vally-View and NEVER come back again." I announced. She just stared as if she could think she was the boss of everyone. My eyes were now a mix of red and blue. (Sadness and Anger) se then stormed out of the village like a 5 year old having a tantrum.
"Back to business."
"I think that if the people have a problem with Lord Cadenza they need to leave. She is a wonderful leader and deserves no hate. She does all she can to help and yet we never repay her at all." Said one man stepping out if the crowd. By this time my eye was purple. (Happy) I heard multiple voices call out the same thing.
"I agree" It made my spirit rise as I heard those words of people of the village.
"Thank you all so much."
"No problem."
"Not a problem."
"Anything for you m'lord" all of the nice comments made me cry tears of joy as they all smiled. My emotions were all over the place. I could feel it. My eyes changed but it didn't feel normal.
"Joy, what colour are my eyes." I asked Joy, who was next to me.
"Em... Rainbow, m'lord."
"What does this mean." I thought to myself.
"Mixed emotions?" Asked one from the crowd.
"I think so, great?" I started. "Anyway meeting dismissed. Remember if you have a problem you know where I am."

Once again I got home and collapsed on my bed. When my head hit the pillow, I was already asleep.

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