The Beginning

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It was a normal day at the castle. My sister Elizabeth was practicing her violin.
"Elizabeth, would you go for a walk with me through the gardens?" I say walking into her bedroom. She gives me a curt nod and grabs my hand. We walk hand in hand without a care in the world. We laugh and talk like we always did.
"Lafaye, Lafaye, did you hear? We are to have a guest from the Vixen kingdom." Elizabeth says like a gossip.
"I try not to trouble myself with the servant's gossip." I say smiling up at my older sister.
"It's no gossip Lafaye, mother and father have decreed it." Elizabeth says as we sit down under the gazebo. I nod and we take in a comfortable silence. I look around and stare at the freshly bloomed roses. They are the purest shade of red. One rose stood out to me particularly; It was a black rose. Never have I seen one in this garden in all my years.
"Elizabeth, do my eyes deceive me or is that a black rose?" I say moving to get a closer look.
"You know what they say Lafaye; black roses bring death... Someone is going to die." She says moving her hands in a menacing way.
"Elizabeth that isn't funny!" I say crossing my arms over my chest. She laughs and wraps her slender arms around my neck.
"I'm only teasing Lafaye. No one is going to die." She says with a calming voice. I prepare to respond when the royal horns are blown. Elizabeth immediately grabs my hand in hers and we rush into the castle corridor. She pulls me into her chamber without hesitation. She gives me a stern look. She's going to make me a porcelain doll... Again. After about ten minutes of fighting with her, she finally finishes. She pushes a mirror in my face and I scowl.
"All this make up is horrendous Elizabeth!"
"Lafaye, not another word you look like a princess. For the millionth time, you are not a Prince." She says in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes and we head to the the royal hall to meet our guest. It's a man that looks about thirty not very tall nor charming. In fact, he looks like such a slob you could mistake him for a wastebin. His stomach outstretches his waist and his hair was receding. His teeth looks like he's never brushed in his life. I feel a grin tugging at my lips. My father stands to introduce the gentleman before us.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the royal court, might I introduce Maratin Vixen, the king of the Vixen Kingdom." Everyone's jaw hit the ground. You can hear the mutters as the nobles begin to gossip. Father motions for us to introduce ourselves. "Hello King Vixen, I'm Elizabeth, the Eldest princess of the kingdom." She curtseys and nods with her gorgeous smile.
"I'm Lafaye, The younger princess of the Lost kingdom." I say as I curtsey with grin on my face. He nods and grabs Elizabeth's hand and kisses the back of it. Her smile faulters for a moment but she regains her composure. He over looks me and heads to my father's study to talk buisness. Elizabeth and I adjourn to the balcony off the royal hall.
"Hahaha Elizabeth. I would have spilled my lunch if he was to kiss my hand." I say holding my sides.
"Lafaye, please act like a princess for once. And with that you have to deal with the pleasant and unpleasant." She says holding her head up high.
"Elizabeth, I am a princess. I chose to be who I am. I refuse to allow our parents stifle my personality. I am more than just a tiara and a title. I follow my heart and let fate decide." I say with hand over my heart and a smile across my face. Almost immediately after I finish Elizabeth has me in her grasp.
"And that's why I'm proud to be your older sister." I wrap my arms around her and we stay like this for what seems like an eternity.
"Your highnesses, your father requests that you come in now." One of the servants called out to us. We unravel from eachother and walk inside without another word.
"King Vixen and myself have made a treaty for our kingdom. In exchange for resources and materials, we shall hand over princess Elizabeth to be the queen of Vixen. Furthermore..." After those words I could feel my heart skip a beat and hear my blood rush from my head. I look over at Elizabeth and her usually smiling face has a grimace upon it. I feel as if I'm about to faint when I hear Elizabeth scream for the first time ever.
"I refuse to marry that gelatinous pig for a king!" Elizabeth screams at the top of her lungs.
"Elizabeth-" Father starts to say.
"Don't Elizabeth me... Your willing to sell off your own daughter! Go to hell!" Elizabeth yanks me by my arm and leads me out of the royal hall. We head for my chamber in silence. We reach my chamber and still remain silent. I start to say something but instantly my mouth is shut when Elizabeth throws herself against my chest crying uncontrollably.
"Elizabeth? Please don't cry.... Just please your my best friend. I hate to see you cry. Please..." I say holding her in my arms. We lay in bed as she sniffles in my chest. It's usually her who comforts me, this doesn't feel right. After a while, her breaths seem to calm into a rythm. She fell asleep from crying. It pains me to see the person I have so much respect for, be in so much pain. After a while, I drift into sleep as well. I dream of Elizabeth's smiling face laughing with me once again. My dreams were brought to an abrubt end when the knights charge in my room. I spring up and Elizabeth does too. They grab her and drag her out of the room.
"Elizabeth! Get your hands off her! Elizabeth!" I start to run towards her when the knights grab as well. I look towards Elizabeth who seems confused as well. She catches my eyes and does something I thought I'd never see... She smiles at me and mouths 'I love you Lafaye'.
Afterwards she's pulled away and I'm taken to my parents throne room.
"Father, mother, they took Elizabeth." I say in a panic.
"We know Lafaye. We ordered it for her to be beheaded. She-" Father says stoically. I interrupt him.
"You'd kill your daughter?! How could you? You bastard!" He rises at my words and smacks me.
"She was an embarrassment as a princess. You should mind your tongue. She couldn't and now she'll be dead by sunrise. If you don't wish to suffer the same fate I suggest you get ready to be queen of Vixen." He says walking to sit back down.

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