Training: Part 1

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Several months later.

It's been several months since Elizabeth has died. Since I've smiled a genuine smile of happiness. Since I've considered my creators as my parents. Since I left my home.
Home is where the heart is. I have no heart anymore. I have no love to give nor receive. I need to stay focused. I can't afford to slip up and get distracted. I cannot, will not and won't. I refuse.
At this moment I'm starting out the window looking over at the moon. Another sleepless night. I've been dreaming of Elizabeth's death a lot lately. The final memory of her keeps replaying over and over. I love you Lafaye... If only I was strong enough to save her. This wouldn't have happened. She would still be alive. My shoulder finally has healed and Alexander has said that my training will begin at dawn. So here I am, waiting for the sun to rise.
Another few hours or so passes and Alexander comes in shocked to see me awake. I stand up already changed and ready to train. He motions his head to the left for me to follow him. We walk in silence as he raises his hand to tell me to stop. We're in an open field with only a log in the middle of it.
"I need to see how strong you are before we proceed." He says turning to face me. I nod telling him to go on. "To see where your strength is, I want to to lift this log." My jaw drops and I look at him bewildered. The log is twice my size and about 2 feet taller than me. He seems to be pleased with my reaction and a ghost of a smirk on his face. I don't hesitate when I walk over to the log and attempt to lift it.
Key word 'attempt', because I fail miserably. After a few more tries, I give up and fall back on my backside.
"You will not pick up nor touch a weapon until you can lift that log off the ground." He says still slightly smirking. I stand there, beyond angry.
"You said when my shoulder healed! Don't go back on your word." I say smashing my fist into his chest but he seems unfazed. He removes my arm and clears his throat.

"I'm not going back on my word. You just need to increase your strength." He says cooly. "Lay down and bend your knees." I follow what he says and lays down bending my knees. "Now, bring yourself forward without lifting your legs.These are called sit ups." He pulls me to my feet and points to a tree branch. "Use that to build your upper body strength. And run to build your endurance." I nod begin my running around the field. This is where I start and there is no looking back.

1 month later.

96...97...98...99..100. I jump down from the tree branch. I try to lift the log, only to have it roll a little. I groan and sigh. I begin to do my laps around the field. I begin to feel myself breathe heavier and heavier. I finish my last lap before collapsing on the ground. I feel the swear droplets roll down my face. I feel Alexander's eyes watching from a distance. I get in position and begin to do my sit ups. 1...2...3...4. I won't stop until I'm ready. I won't give up. I refuse.

6 months later.

Alexander and I are running through the woods from the guards at the moment. Someone seen us in the market yesterday and tipped them off. So now here we are. Running through the woods in the middle of the night.
"Just a little further and I have a secret passage to help us escape." He says whispering harshly and I nod at him. He starts to climb a tree and motions for me to follow. I climb up behind him as the guards run under us and keep going into an unknown direction.
Once the area is safe, He hops down removing a rock from ontop of a tree trunk. Only to have a ladder leading into a tunnel under ground. He picks up the rock and places it on the entrance as he climbs into the cavern with me. He takes out a lantern and leads the way down the cave. We walk in silence. The stone walls being covered in moss so bad you can smell it. The only sound that can be heard is our foot steps against the stone tiles and the flickering of the flame in the lantern. After a few more twists and turns, there is an opening from what seems to be a cave. We walk out only to see a log cabin in the middle of no where. I follow him into the cabin and he opens a door and nods his head.
"That's your room. Go to sleep." He says and walks into a room down the hall and opposite from mine. I walk into my room and climb into the bed letting fatigue over come my body but I have no dreams left.
I'm being pulled from blackness from someone shaking me awake. I groggily open my eyes to see Alexander leaning over me.
"What's wrong Alexander?" I ask rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Alex. Just call me Alex." He sighs in fustrations. "It's time to train you."
I look at him, bewilderment clearly etched into my face.
"Haven't I already been training?" I say kicking the blanket off my legs.
He rolls his eyes and I cringe at him.
"Yes, you have. I feel that you have built your strength up enough to the point where you are ready to train." I sighs and nod. "You have five minutes to get ready and meet me outside."
Once he's out the room I stand up and look into the mirror at myself. My long hair the only thing is I recognize about myself. I cringe at the memories of Elizabeth fighting with me to brush my hair.
"Your a princess Lafaye. Your hair can't be untamed." Elizabeth scolded me.
"But Elizabeth it hurts." I whined in response.
"But a princess is beautiful and beauty is pain." She said looking at me through the mirror.
"Then I'll cut it off." I said cringing.
"No! Lafaye no! As long as I live promise me you won't cut your hair." She pleaded with me.
"I promise." I said embracing her as she turned around.
"Good. I love you Lafaye...."

I'm brought back to reality by a bang on the door. When I realize what I've done I can't help but to gasp. I've cut my hair with a dagger. My waist long hair that I've grown so accustomed to is now to my shoulders. But then again, I didn't break my promise to Elizabeth. I open the door to see Alexander there, shocked at my new appearance. I walk toward the door with him hot on my tail asking what happened. All I do is keep walking. I have nothing left to the me to those people who created me.
Goodbye princess Lafaye. Hello Lafaye the Avenger, and I will not rest until my revenge is complete. I will not be stopped. I refuse.

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