Training: Part 5

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One month later...

Breathe. Remain quiet. Stay hidden. Breathe. Remain quiet. Stay hidden.
"Come on Lafaye, you have to do better." Jonathan says tapping my foot. I groan in annoyance and slide down off the tree branch landing on my feet. "That was a good run Lafaye, but you have to keep your limbs hidden." I sigh running my hands through my hair.
"Why is this so hard? I keep my breathing silent. How do you keep finding me?!" I say slightly sagging my shoulders.
"Lafaye you have to learn to keep yourself together. Literally and figuratively. If you were to be spotted you'd lose your advantage over the enemy." He says while rubbing his face. "I'll explain the point of this... Again. The point of the this exercise is to use stealth to your advantage. Here let me show you what I mean." He hands me the flag and tells me to count to thirty. The point of the exercise is to take the flag off my hip without me knowing. I've never even gotten close enough to touch it. It's so annoying. I count to thirty as per instructed. I look and listen around for him and can't hear him. A few minutes later, he drops from the tree infront of me waving the thin material in my face.
"What?! But how?!" He smirks as I mutter it out grabing my waist. "There is no way..." I say looking around confused.
"That is the power of stealth." He says placing the flag on his hip.
"Ready to try again?" I groan inwardly and think of an angle.
After a few seconds I have an idea.
"I'm ready. " I say as he nods.
He turns away from me. I take off into the darkness of the woods. I calm my breathing and slowly step into my hiding spot. I place my hand on the ground only to be poked by a sharp rock. I sigh and began to form an idea. I pick up the rock and throw it of the opposite of Jonathan than I. He looks toward the sound of the rock and I tuck and roll from my position grabbing the flag in the process. He turns towards my last hidding spot and looks over the bushes. I quickly stand up and wave the flag in triumph.
"I did it." I say with a wide grin spread across my face. He nods his head in approval and turns to head back to the house.
"I think you've trained enough for today." Johnathan says walking away.
Meanwhile Alexander steps out from the shadows where he was watching.
"Your training is making you quite the little warrior, princess." He says with a smug grin face.
"Alexander, I asked you to stop calling me princess. I left that title behind long ago." I say walking towards him.
"And I asked you to stop calling me Alexander but you keep doing it." He says while running his fingers through his hair.
"I do it, because I like Alexander better than Alex." I say with a light grin.
"Well Lafaye how about we take a stroll and I have some information that might interest you." He says and I nod. He's sparked my interest. We walk down towards a little gazebo by the lake house. We sit in silence and my curiosity increases. It seems he's having quite a time trying to figuring out how to make sense of it. He finally breathes out sighing heavily.
"There is good new and bad news. Which would you rather hear first?" He says and I ponder this for a moment.
"Bad news, I guess." I say a little befuddled.
"Well... There's a rebellion against your parents. Someone who was in the royal court the night of Elizabeth's death has been telling the tale around the kingdom. People want justice for Elizabeth. Isn't that great?" He says and I look up from the ground I hadn't realized I was staring at.
"What's the good news?" I say in barley a whisper.
"The leader of the rebellion has heard of what you're doing and wants you to be the leader once you finish you're training." He says grabbing my hand, giving it a light squeeze. He waits for my response rubbing my back. I feel as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders.
"How did he find out?" I say trying to process all of this.
"Well, He may or may not be a old friend of mine. And I may or may not have told him I was training you." He says untangling himself from me. I nod still thinking about me leading the rebellion. Could I handle this? Am I ready to lead these people? Could I lead these people? Could these people look to me for guidance? Could I give them the guidance they need? These and many other questions storm my thoughts. But one thing comes to mind.
"Does the rebellion know of what I plan to do?" I say emotionless. Alexander nods knowingly and grabs my hand. "What if someone rats me out?! What if they have someone in the ranks reporting on to enemy?!" I say standing up in disbelief.
"Lafaye, relax. You'll give yourself an early grave worrying so much. They have precautionary measures for anything like that. And as far as they know you they think you're only trying to get justice for Elizabeth." He says standing up as well. I calm down and sit down again and I see Jonathan coming out the house with a cup.
"I heard everything and thought after that rant, you might want something to drink." Jonathan says handing me the glass of water. I mutter a 'thank you' and start drinking the glass. He nods at me and walks back inside but stops and turns around.
"Lafaye, I know you're not my biggest fan. I know my opinion doesn't matter to you, but I believe that you among any of us could lead the rebellion." He says looking at me with admiration. He turns to leave again. "Your story alone inspires me. You can do it; I believe in you as much as the sun will rise tomorrow. Give the men and women the same belief and inspiration as you have for me." He starts walking back without another word leaving me in awe. Could my story really ignite a passion like that? I know what I must do. I feel pure determination running through my body. I look over to Alexander who is watching my every move.
"Alexander, let the rebellion know they have a new leader on their hands once my training is completed." I say standing up walking away leaving him shocked at my knew found confidence. I turn back to look at him slack jawed and smirk slightly. He gathers himself and follows behind me with his hand in the small of my back. We walk back in a comfortable silence. When we get inside he places a tender kiss on my forehead and open my door for me. I walk inside and he closes the door. I start to change my clothes and climb into bed. I replay the last hour over and over in my head. I'll do my best for those who relying on me. I won't let them down. I refuse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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