Training: Part 2

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One year later.

I've gotten faster, stronger and more agile. I look in the mirror and my hair is still short I refuse to let it grow past my shoulders. I learned how to use arrows and now I'm in the middle of sword training.
"Focus Lafaye!" Alexander screams, snapping my attention back to him. I swipe the sword at his head only for him to drop sliding down. Before I can turn around, he has the blade to my throat. I grunt in frustration and throw the sword down.
"Focus. You need to be swifter. You need to wait for an opening instead of trying to make one. You need to loosen and move freely. You need to be more precise, otherwise you'll be dead at the gate." He says removing the sword from my throat. I groan and kick my sword away.
"This is pointless. I've been trying for months already. I just don't see the need to learn this. I already mastered how to use a bow and arrows." I say tying my hair into a ponytail.
"What happens when you run out of arrows? What happens when an enemy gets too close? What happens if your bow breaks?" Alexander says looking down at me. I can't meet his gaze, because I know he's right. I can feel his gaze burning the top of my head. "So sword fighting is not pointless. Its a basic necessity for a warrior." He says lifting my head to meet his gaze. I stare at him as he does me. I raise my hand to his and take it off my chin. He holds into my hand and I slowly pull it away. It has been like this for a while. The tension between us since that night.

It was the One year anniversary of Elizabeth's death. I was drinking my problems away in a tavern close to the place we were staying at the time. I was already on my 10th drink when Alexander walked in.
"What are you doing?!" He whispered harshly.
"Trying to forget. This ones to you Elizabeth." I said chugging the last of my drink down. He violently snatched the mug from my grasp. I scowled at him and went to grab another.
"You've had enough ma'am." The tavern owner said with a look of sympathy. I stand and wobble out the tavern. Alexander was behind me mumbling incoherent words. I quickly stop and turned on my heel to face me.
"If you have something to say Alexander say it out loud." I fumed trying not to slur my words.
"You're being reckless. Why did you go into the tavern?" He said snapping back.
"I needed a drink. So, I got one." I said sneering in his face.
"You can't drink away your problems." He says stepping closer.
"I can do whatever I want." I said turning away. He grips my arm. I turned to him and he stared me down with pittyful eyes.
"This isn't the way to deal with her death." He said emphasizing 'her'.
"How would you know to deal with death?" I said snatching my arm away.
"If you must know my father killed the person I loved the so I could be like him. The next 'Alexander the mercenary' to keep the legend alive. Since I was three I have been trained to do nothing but kill. The one person who loved me was taken away for being a 'distraction'. So I did the only thing I knew how I killed. And as I killed him, He smiles at me and says that he's proud." He said softly. I feel my breath hitched. I felt so overwhelmed.
"I'm sorry." I whispered out.
"Its fine. But I have to say this before we go on with our training. Maybe when you're sober you won't remember it. I care for you Lafaye. More than I care to admit." He whispered pulling me into his embrace. I stuggled against his hold and try to push him away. I have no time for love anymore. I can't be distracted. I refuse.
"I have to do this. I can't be distracted." I said still not returning the embrace.
"Tell me you don't feel the same way and I'll leave you alone for good. Tell me you don't care for me the way I care for you." He said holding me tighter. I can't tell him otherwise I'd be lying. I've grown feelings for the mercenary though I'd never admit it. I just let him hold me for a little longer until he released me. "Just promise me, once 'this' is all over you'll consider 'us.'" All I could do is stare up at him. I pondered this for a moment and nod. Before I could even blink, his lips were upon mine. He lingered for a moment and then pulled away leaving me stunned. He quickly picked me up bridal style and carried my druken self back to the cabbin. I drifted into sleep and thats the last thing I remeber of that night. Falling asleep to the steady beat of the merecenary's heart.

"Lafaye....Lafaye, ready to go again?" He says catching my attention. I nod and go and pick up my sword. I hold it at the ready. I calm my nerves and charge at him and he only blocks it. He pushes against me and I step back. He swings at me and I lean back allowing the sword to go over my head. Before he can turn around, I kick him in his back making him stumble over and land in the kneeling postion. I notice he's dropped his sword and I quickly place the tip of the sword to his head. I smirk to myself and kick him over and pick up his sword. He moves and grabs another sword. I swing each sword repeatedly. He steadily blocks each swing. Elizabeth. I swing faster. Elizabeth. I swing harder. Elizabeth. I knock the sword out of his hand and cross the blades around his throat as I breathe heavily. I smirk at his face. He has shock written over his face.
"Checkmate." I breathe out.
"Looks like your a duel wielder." He says smiling, a proud smile.
"Yeah, I am." I say removing the blades, stabbing them into the dirt.
"We can rest for the night. You've earned it." He says patting my head. I scowl at him and lift his hand from my head. He walks away and I'm left with my thoughts. I'm coming for you creators and there is nothing you can do about it. And I won't stop until the deed is done. I won't rest until you're dead my dear creators. I refuse.

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