The Man

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I start to regain my consciousness. I look around, everything in a blur. I focus my eyes to see a dark room I've never been in before. There's a a door about five feet from the bed. I look around and see a singular window on my left, above the bed. I struggle to sit up, feeling a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I gasp in pain when I finally manage to sit up and I notice that my sleeve has been cut around the wound. I notice that it's been mended and wrapped. I kick my legs over the bed. Just as soon as my legs make contact to the floor, I hear a door open and foot steps approaching. I quickly scramble to get up and press my back behind the door. I can't be captured or killed yet. I refuse.
As soon as the door opens, I quietly wait for the person to step in some more then hit them with the door. I hear them stumble slightly and run out the room. I run pass them looking for the first exit I see. I don't turn to see who has me but I can hear them approaching quick. I see a door and run full speed towards it. I start to open the door, when my captor puts my arms above my head and shut the door.
"Where were you going princess?" He whispers in in my ear from behind.
"To get the hell away from here." I say struggling against his touch.
"Well if you'd like to leave your more then welcome to. Just know there isn't anywhere you'll be safe." He says slowly letting go.
I turn around for my eyes to be met with brown eyes and chiseled jaw and short black hair swooped up. I seem to be snapped into reality when he turns around and walks away.
"Who are you and why did you save me?" I say following behind him.
"The name is Alexander Collins but you can call me Alex. I saved you because I don't believe you deserved to die." He says nonchalantly turning to face me.
I freeze for a minute and I look over him. This cannot be the same Alexander the Mercenary. The ruthless killer of 100 men. The only mercenary who has never been caught nor seen in person. He's been told in legends since my father was a boy. His face started to turn into a wide smirk.
"You can't b-." I say shaking my head in disbelief before he cuts me off.
"Oh, but I am... Princess." He says as it rolls off his tongue. "Are you afraid? The big bad mercenary scaring you?" He says mocking a baby voice and looking down, towering over me. I stare back with equal intensity. We are silent for what seems like hours.
"Train me." I say emotionless.
"What?!" He does a double take. He cringes his face in disbelief. "What do you mean train you?"
"I want to learn how to kill." I say not hesitating any word. It's silent again. You can cut the tension with a butter knife.
"No." He states blankly. "Killing isn't something a princess should be doing, so no." He says mockingly. I finally lose my temper and smash my hands into his broad chest.
"I AM MORE THAN A TIARA AND A TITLE!" I scream in a blind rage. I continue to lose my temper, shaking with rage. "I MADE A PROMISE! And I intend to keep it. So if you won't train me I'll find someone who will." I say walking into away. I start to open the door and I'm stopped by his touch. He grips my shoulder and I flinch in pain. He quickly realizes that he grabbed my injured shoulder and releases immediately.
"Sorry. Why would you make a promise to kill someone?" He says.
"I want to make my parents atone for killing my sister." I say squeezing my hands into fists so hard my knuckles turned white. "A life for a life."
"What do you mean?" He seems puzzled. "Didn't your sister die from illness?" I almost gag, sickened by the lies they're feeding the kingdoms.
"My sister was not sick. In fact, she was in perfect health. We both were. She was to be married off to the king of Vixen. But the man looked like he was a pig in a man's body. My sister spoke out against the marriage and she was killed for not agreeing to marry him. She was my rock and she cried to me. I've never seen her look so broken. Later that night, the guards came in and took her to the executioner. I was taken to my parents and they admitted that they planned to kill her. After that, I was to be married to King Vixen. So I ran and here I am. Ready to learn to kill."
He seems taken back by my bluntness. I keep my posture as well as I can. I can feel my nails digging into my palms.
"Alright. I'll train you when your shoulder heals up." He walks into a room and leaves me there to process what he said. I grin once he has left my sight and turn around and walk outside and look at the sky.
"I did it Elizabeth. I found someone to train me. I will make our parents pay for what they did to you." I stare at the stars as they twinkle. I hope Elizabeth is watching over me. I lay outside watching the stars for what seems like hours. I walk back inside and see him standing behind the door watching every movement. He steps closer to me caging me between him and the door.
"Where did you go?" He says looking down at me.
"To watch the stars." I look up at him. He doesn't say another word. He stares me down with a harsh intensity. "Can I help you with something?" I say rather smugly.
"Oh. I don't know. The fact that you were out in the open like your not being hunted. You are wanted in more than one kingdom. If the guards happen to find you. You'll be taken no if ands or buts about it. Stay inside and do not let your guard down." I cringe at his words but don't answer him. He sighs heavily and grabs my hand and leads me towards the room I ran from only hours ago. "This will be your room for the next few days. We'll be leaving to a new location to avoid being spotted." I nod in response and walk inside the room and sit on the bed.
He walks away and returns with bandages and some sort of bottle. He stands staring at me for a moment before speaking.
"Its time to change your bandages." He walks inside the room and I turn my shoulder towards him. He starts to remove the bandages slowly and cautiously. He opens the bottle and pours it on my shoulder blade and I hiss in pain. He takes a towel and dabs my shoulder as I grit my teeth to keep from screaming. Once he finishes he rewraps my shoulder and ties it off.
"When you pulled the arrow you made the gash bigger." He state's blandly and all I can do is nod. He stands up collecting the dirty bandages and now empty bottle walking out. I'm left alone for the night and stare at the wall leaving me to reevaluate my situation. My pare- The king and queen will pay, if it kills me. But until then, I will not give up nor will I die. I refuse.

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