The Escape

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My father orders the guards to lock me in my room. I have to make sure they pay what for they did. They will atone for their sins. I start to plan a way to escape.
I'll escape when the castle is still before dawn. I can't be here anymore. I take the sheets off my matress and start to make a rope from them.
I hear the guards and my father coming towards my chamber. He's asking if I've been up to anything or tried to leave. I throw the comforter over the bed and the rope of sheets under the pillows. I quickly go sit on the window sill and watch the townsfolk scatter around their daily life. I hear my door open and I don't budge my head.
"Lafaye. Lafaye. Lafaye, look at me." My father says stepping towards me. He grips my face and turn towards him. I shake my head out his hand.
"Leave me alone. I have nothing to say to you." I sneer in his face.
"Child, it seems you've learned nothing. King Vixen will be back in a month to claim you. I will break you by then." He scowls in content and smashes my head back against the cool stone wall. He walks out without a second glance. The door slams shut as I hold my head. I will kill him.... That much I can promise you. I sit holding my heart and let my eyes droop close getting some sleep before my escape.
Several hours later, I have awaken and I finish my rope. I pack a small satchel of clothes and memorabilia. I stride to the window looking for guards at the bottom of the tower. They're being distracted by the female servants. After several minutes, the guards return to the servant's chambers with them. I tie the rope to the bed frame and throw the rope from the window. I pull my cloak on my head and throw my satchel over my shoulder. I start down the rope and hope it holds out. I get to the end of the rope, still a few feet off the ground. I jump down and try to land as quietly as I can. Once my feet touch the ground, I start to move in the shadows into the corridors. I make my way to the servants entrance and look for any guards. Once I make it into the foyer, I walk out the door only to be stopped by a guard.
"Oi! You there! Where are you going?" He says gripping my shoulder.
"I'm going to the market, it seems we've ran out of the king's favorite coffee." I say trying to disguise my voice and never showing my face. He seems to believe me and nods his head.
"Very well miss. Be careful." He says giving me a smile. I nod and make my way to the draw bridge.
Once I make it across the bridge the royal horn is blown. They know I'm gone. I start running when I hear this. The guards scream for me to stop. I keep running through the town center. I figured I could lose them through the market. I run through the early birds and shake most of them off. I start to run into the woods and that's where I made my mistake.
I keep running but have no idea where to go. I have stop. My lungs are on fire. Sweat pours down my face as I try to grasp my breath. I can hear the guards catching up.
"Find her men. The king wants her alive but do what you must to bring her back. Even if you have to spill a little blood." They all grunt in response and split off to find me. Once I catch my breath, I start running again. I can hear the guards behind me, calling for me to stop. I take a detour down an old dirt road and run as fast my legs will carry me. I slip slightly and stop for a moment. I regain my footing and keep running when I feel a sharp pain that makes me tumble over. I feel a warm liquid run down my body. I touch my right shoulder for the source of the pain and see my fingers dyed crimson red. I'd been shot with an arrow. They're trying to kill me. I couldn't die not now, not when they're still at large. I pull the arrow from my right shoulder and bite my lip so hard I taste the metallic flavor of blood to remain quiet.
I pick myself up and stumble to regain my balance. I put pressure on my shoulder as I run. I refuse. No one will stop me. I will see my parents fall by my hands. I notice another arrow fly by my head. I turn and see a cliff and turn to notice that the royal guards have me cornered.
"Princess Lafaye. We have been ordered to take you back. Please come quietly." The head of the knights says bowing slightly.
"Over my dead body. Go to hell." I say gripping my shoulder even tighter than before. He makes a grab for me and I turn and look at the bottom of the cliff to see a lake. I grin inwardly as he looks as if I'm about to commit suicide.
"Princess Lafaye don't-." His sentence is cut off when I dive into the lake. I can hear them call my name as I'm soaring through the air. I land in the water and wait until I can't see them. I swim up when my adrinaline rush dies down and I feel a shooting pain in my shoulder blade. I climb out the water avoiding using my shoulder as much as possible. I lay there, my breathing ragged and shallow. My eyes start to get heavy when I see a dark silhouette standing above me. I hear him chuckle.
"Well, well, what do we have here? You have guts kid I'll give you that..." This was the last thing I heard before slipping into blackness.

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