Chapter 15

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It only takes a moment, to change your life...forever.

Serenity's point of view

A warmth spread through my body impressionating a fever. I pulled my legs until they dug in to my chest and rested my head on my knees. My eyes wouldn't give out tears, my heart wouldn't speak, my mind was thoughtless, I was numb. For the first time, in a long time the future seemed out of my hands; already decided and there was nothing I could do about it, because I chose it that way.

36 mins ago

Beth, Xavier, Ryan and I sat circled around Grandpa as he started off with was to be the most ground-shaking and unexpected conversation ever. He took off his glasses and began cleaning the lenses with his handkerchief.

" I know this little meet is last minute but bare with me please." He put them on his face again. " I have this familys' best interest at heart. I know I haven't been around as much as I should have but I think we could all do with some new chapters in our life."

" What's this about?" Ryan asked curiously.

" Forlan, your father, was the only child we were blessed with. In his life, he made mistakes, grew from them and learned to sacrifice many things for the greater good, something he did not learn from us. Mika, God bless her soul, was responsible for making your father the way he was." Grandpa choked and sat there silent, trying to hold back his tears. I got up from Ryans side and sat beside him putting my arm around his shoulder.

He took my free hand and kissed it. " Thank you child." He kept my hand in his, that's when I noticed his skin loosely grip by my hand. Guess all this has taken it toll on Grandpa too.

" Kristen was the same," He turned to Ryan." Son, I love you all and I deeply regret not being there for you. Imagine if you ever lost Dawn, you cannot begin to comprehend what that feels like."

Ryan began," Gramps please don-"

That was the first time I heard him called him anything near grandfather. Grandpa gestured him to stop with his hand. " As the eldest in this household, I will not keep my family from fearing to love again." His voice had command now.

Xavier spoke up," I'm sorry but if this is family issues we're talking about why are we here?" He said indicating Beth and himself.

Grandpa nodded as a gesture to wait. " There is a tradition in the Taylors, one we followed with your parents, grandma and myself, even Xaviers parents. The best way you can heal is to let yourself drown in the arms of a stranger, only they do not remain strangers to eachother."

I let go of his hand and looked at him with confusion. If he was talking about what I think he was..

He took my hand, got up and took Xaviers' hand too. " Beth and I want you and Xavier to be those strangers."

Those words echoed in mind and, I didn't realize when I let go and stepped back before hitting the sofa. The ground I was standing still on way swept away from my feet. I could hear Ryan shout but I failed to comprehend the words. This wasn't real, It couldn't be.

Ryan grabbed me and thats when I came back to my senses. " How dare you make decisions for this family!"

Grandpa was boiling over, " I will not let you keep me from protecting this family!"

I was at Ryans side, " Stay away from MY family, go back to the god foresaken hell hole you came from. I will ruin you." He pointed at grandpa viciously. He turned back and Xavier came in to his sights. Ryan let go up my hand and grabbed him by the collar pushing him against a wall. I felt a shortness of breath.

Xavier broke free and pushed Ryan knocking him over the sofa. He looked at me as if we somehow understood the pain and confusion. Ryan quickly got back on his feet. " You stay away from my sister!" He came charging back to Xavier. The knocked over the coffee table entangled in one another.

" Ryan!" I screamed! The commotion brought unwanted attention fron the whole house, Clyde and Ellis came in, quickly grabbing both of them, trying to pull them apart. I ran to Ryan who struggled to break free of Ellis's otherwise firm grip. I kept yelling at him to stop and went for his arm but he wouldn't listen. Sudden I felt his arm blow in to my stomach knocking me down. After that everything stopped. I could hear a flood of swears, but it was Ryan's face I saw in front of me. He swooped down and gently took my arm. " Kiddo, I'm sor-"

I didn't listen and took my arm back, indicating that he should move away and so he did. Beth helped me up and the room was silent, silent as the sky between the thunders.

" Let her decide." Grandpa said breaking the silence.

Beth had her arms around mine. The world stopped for the while, I could hear my head scream no, but the voice didn't come out of my mouth. Grandpa would be gone forever, but It was my choice to choose my partner. I felted divided even in my own body. That's when I looked over to the open door of the study where he stood unnoticed. I could see it in his eyes, the fear, dissapointment, hurt in his eyes, something we promised we'd never let him be exposed to. The others may have, but I will never forget that promise. I looked at Xavier and said...

" I accept."

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