Chapter 26

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"You w***e

You ruined us

You think this is the end?

No, this is far from over

I will haunt you till you die

I will never leave you

I'll watch you bleed."

Those words played in my head over and over again as if they were spoken to me yesterday.

The door was right across the bed, just a hop, skip and a jump away. My back was against the wall on the far corner of the room where I had a good view of my radius. The only person in the room was me, than how was this note lying on my bed? There were numerous people in our house today. He was here too, he was in my house, in my room, completely undetected. This was supposed to be my sanuctuary and he invaded it with no problem at all.

James was back, he was the shadowy figure in the apartment the other day, he has always been here watching me, I knew that for sure. I shivered uncontrollably and gathered myself in to the corner even more. Maybe he was still in my room, or waiting for me in the hallway or hidden somewhere in the shadows taking full advantage of the night. I prayed softly, "Ryan please come home.."

11:30 pm

12:31 am

1:44 am

2:23 am

I kept myself awake praying for Ryan to come through the door and push those fears away. My legs were powerless, all I did was scan the room with my eyes, back and forth then all over again. My neck burned up and my head felt heavy but the pain was no where near enough to make me abandon my post.

tick tock tick tock

3:51 am

4:12 am

5:27 am

6:20 am

7:03 am

8:37 am

I watched the morning light as it gradually filled the room and illuminated all the shadows in sight. My eyes were sore, and I was half awake still waiting for someone to come to my rescue. "Ryan I need you.."

9:42 am

10:12 am

11:28 am

12:38 pm

1:06 pm

There was a knock on the door. I gathered my legs closer to my body till my knees were close to crushing my ribs. I wanted to say something but what if it was him? What if all this time he just needed to confirm that I was here? No, no...

The person who knocked supposedly went back because afterwards there was just silence.

2:10 pm

3:47 pm

4:26 pm

That was the last of the digital clock that I remember seeing.

"Ren?" His voice faded in to my head as I regained conciousness and flickered my eyes open trying to adjust to the lighting. "What time is it?" My eyes were only partially opened and I could not see the distant wall clock. "10ish."

He sat down with cross legs and his head rested on the top of both his knuckles. "You know I can't tell but I think you're sick and dad's mad at you." His mere presence gave me all the relief in the world. I carressed his face with my hand. "You're my hero."

His little face lit up as he beamed a wide smile and put his arms around my neck embracing me with all the strenght his tiny body could muster up. "Dawn don't bother her!" Ryan said furiously as he came in to the room that startled Dawn. Ryan almost never spoke in a loud voice to his son, never yelled at him for doing something wrong. He was really mad.

I held Dawns hand and glared at him. "He's not, he's giving me company unlike his father who doesn't," That came out the wrong way and Ryan looked disappointed. I looked to Dawn, "Go fetch me a glass of water please." Dawn raced out of the room and I called Ryan to my side and as soon as he came he started before me.

"You rarely have time within this month than show up half dead in your room and expect me to know something about it?"

I didn't know he felt that way at all, I didn't know how my absence had affected him. "Ryan..." I tried to find the right words to say. "I had to show Grandpa that I could respect his decision.."

"No Serenity, It was YOUR decision."

"Ryan you would have killed the guy and kicked Grandpa out otherwise." He looked down because he knew in his heart that what I said was 100% true. "And tell me," I continued, "Isn't it better to have him around? For Dawn to know his great Grandpa?"

"I guess...but I'm not gonna talk about this. You have to let me in, whats wrong?" I was double minded, if I told him about Xavier Ryan would shoot him dead, if I told him about the note I would also have to tell him about my run in at the apartments before my accident and then he wouldn't let me out of his sights. What should I do?

"I ha-had this horrible dream." I squeezed his arm. "That they were back."

"What? You know we scared them off, they're long gone." He assured me... oh Ryan I wish you knew. My eyes were flooded again.

"But what if they do come back? You remember what James said, and Swari never turned up and he threatened y-" Ryan stopped my cries and took my hands in to his. "I saved you once, I'll do it again, they won't be able to touch you as long as Mennigin and me are around."

He was right, what else would explain everything? James wouldn't come out because he couldn't, Grandpa and Ryan presented more than a simple obstacle, they were a complete barrier. I was safe for now.

"Now smile and eat something, you're still burning up." I knew I was protected, I knew that where ever Ryan was the shadows couldn't touch me. I sipped down the hot soup that left a trail of heat from my throat to my stomach. It tasted so good, and I don't know whether it was because I hadn't eaten for a while or because it was so perfectly made but whatever the reason, I needed it.

"Ryan why did you help me the way you did?" I asked while he skimmed through a magazine on the single couch. He took a while to think, "I don't know, You gave me strenght to do whatever I did. Besides haven't you heard? Misery loves company." Gesturing to himself as the company making me laugh.

Dawn brought me my water and I complained childishly about him being so late. "Well thats cause you needed to talk to dad." I raised my brow to him. "What? I know stuff" He pouted and I tackled him kissing him all over his face and he hysterically laughed.

"Okay break it up, bed both of you." He ordered. "Can I sleep here with Dawn?" I asked.


Just before he left I asked one last question. "Do you have white ink?"

Ryan replied just before closing the light, "No, Grandpa does."

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