Chapter 25 - Part I

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7:30 pm

We arrived for the check in where our plus ones were accounted for.

Grandpa - Nan

Ryan - Dawn

Hudson - Cara

Serenity - Chase

Our group walked through the sculpted golden doors to the main square. There were as many people as you would find on times square at new years eve! Thankfully the room was enormous so everyone was spread out engaged in socializing. I was relieved that if I fell no one would be looking. Little did I know there were announcements for every guest family that entered.

"Please welcome the Taylors from AVOC group of companies." A voice spoke cutting the classical music that played in the background momentarily. There was a brief applause but everyone still had their eyes on us.

"Serenity loosen your grip will you? you're cutting my circulation." Chase joked as we moved slowly to our table. "Well the thought of you being dateless here would hurt more I presume." I quietly threatened him.

He pulled out a chair for me and after I sat down he took his place right next to mine. "I'm liking this party." He looked all over studying everything carefully. "Live with us and you'll find yourself going to a lot of them."

"Thats not a bad idea," I raised my eye brow and replied. "I'm thirsty, I'll be back in a few."

"You better," He turned to me. "I'm not done with you yet."

Chase could act so cryptic at times that it was scary but he's always been like that. I liked the way he kept every a degree mysterious.

I carefully navigated the crowded area and lifter my dress up a tad just so I wouldn't trip over it. My hand brushed a rough sleeve and was pulled back causing me to disbalance for a moment but I quickly caught myself. I hadn't turned and tried to take my hand back but it was caught on something. Very slowly I backed up and turned. My eyes met his and he knew he had locked me in his spell binding gaze. More than often we would use the term beautiful in regards to a woman but with the light from the chandelier shinning directly on him his eyes lit up and his smooth skin sparkled making him more beautiful than anything i've seen. He gave a half smile and squinted his eyes just before point them to his sleeve. I followed to see that my bracelet and been caught on the sleeve of his coat. I bent myself to seperate then without damaging the stitch the same time he did and our heads bumped in to each other and I held mine. "Ouch."

"Sorry, let me." He pulled the thread off of the hook of my bracelet and with that I was free. "Thanks."

"Where are you going?" He looked at his watch probably wondering if I was leaving. "No where, I needed a drink." I gestured to the drinks bar.

"Okay let me take you." He led me there making sure no one came in my path. "Two whites." He ordered. I shook my head, "No! I don't drink, just water please." The bar tender nodded.

"You seriously don't drink?" He looked astonished. I folded my arms "No I don't like the-" I cleared my throat. "Drunken effect."

I never touched alcohol after living with father, Otis North, my foster father. Most of the time I would see him drunk and almost all of the time I would stay out of his line of fire. I remembered once he accidently crushed my hand while closing the apartment door, my knuckle broke that day and it had never felt the same ever since. I was little and I cried, and the words I got as consolation were "Shut up or I'll break the other one too."

"Serenity?" He bent over to see my face that was lost somewhere looking at the ground. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

He took the glass from the counter top, "Your memories aren't worth holding." He handed me the glass as I stared at him completely bewildered. "Don't let them define you." He sipped his drink looking out to the crowd.

How could he empathize with me so easily without needing my words? "You look...gorgeous." He beamed as he told me. My eyes widened but I still couldn't get a hold of my tongue to say something. I bit my lip but mouthed my glass as soon as I realized what I did. I got up without question and started walking back when he stopped me. "Listen Serenity I've-" He stopped and his eyes flew past me. "Xavier!" I heard a voice from behind.

"I have to go." He said with a blank face. He went up to the tall blonde in a short silver dress and she took his hand. My heart was numb and I felt a pain growing at the spot. I guess that was his date.

I'm sure that when I came back the colour had already drained from my face that made Chase think I was ill. "I'm fine I promise."

He didn't believe me and replied, "Next time I'm not letting you go alone." The thought was comforting but it wasn't nearly enough to make me feel fine.

10:15 pm

The presentations accounted for the top businesses and the new ones that had made their mark on the business world. Donations were collected through biddings on divine paintings and ancient antiquities. Xavier made a speech that was basically a letter of praise to Business Today and their work then finally dinner was served. There was a dance that followed.

Grandpa and I were amongst the first out there. We glided on the floor as if we could fly. It had not even crossed my mind once that I could fall in my towering heels. Nan took my place soon enough and Grandpa tried to adjust to the massive height difference between them; it was hilarious for the most part. I scanned the area for Chase but I lost him somewhere between dinner and the dance. "Having fun?" Xavier pulled up to my side.

"Yeah, the dance was nice." I kept my eyes on Grandpa till he came in front of me. "Here's a crazy thought," He held out his hand, "Dance with me."

I was reluctant to be that close to him just to be pulled apart again. Chase came to my rescue and cut between us. "I think you're date needs the dance more than MY date does." He said coldly. Xaviers face turned from happy to distraught. Chase took my by the hand out to the dance floor and we twirled around under the glittering light. As perfect as the moment was, my mind was somewhere else. With every turn I would see Xavier with his gaze fixed on me. Chase would have noticed that I couldn't concentrate so we abruptly stopped. "What's wrong?"

"You tell me Serenity."

"Nothing I'm fine."

"Than why is it that you two can't stop looking at each other?" He said. I was guilty of that and I stayed quiet. "Listen, life, its short. If you have feelings for the guy, go tell him, or else you'll have regrets all your life. I know I regret a lot I should have done."

His words bamboozled me. Where I was expecting him to get mad I got encouragement. I felt my face lighten up to his words. "Go," He smiled. "Besides I can get you back anytime." He added and gave me one last kiss on the cheek. I turned to Xavier who disappeared in to the corridor. This was it, I did like him, now I was gonna trust my heart and tell him how I felt.

11:05 pm

I followed his trail in to the corridor lined with many rooms on the side. I kept looking left and right down each hallway in search of his face. This was it, my heart was going to beat right out of my chest and in to his hands. This was it.

I heard a sound, "Xavier!" that caused me to turn back and follow it only to see the mirage that awaited me. I stood there with every cell of my body dying at the scene. My stomach twisted and turned in so many ways that I nearly puked out of pain between my gasps for air.

Xavier had his lips locked in with the blonde against the blood red wall. They heard my gasp as I covered my mouth and succumed to my inability of controlling my tears. She looked at me with her electric blue eyes as Xavier followed hers to mine. He broke apart within an instant and came running towards me. My feet were encased in the carpet, I wanted to move but I couldn't find the strenght to.

"Serenity I..." I held my hand up and walked back. I couldn't say anything because a deep pain grew in my throat. He still came forward and I pushed him away this time as I screamed. "NO!!!" Tears came gushing through my eyes.

I covered my mouth and ran letting the halls echo with my cries. I kept running till I fell over on the carpet and there I stayed watching the carpet absorb my tears. I let myself fall, I let myself be so vulnerable. I stepped forward to give him my heart and he shot it down before it was even in his hands. I cried louder and harder. It was all a mirage...just a mirage - 11:08 pm

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