Chapter 9

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Finally, around 1:30 a.m. people started to leave. One by one, they filed out of the house. The house was a mess! Cups, plates, and crap every where. Me and Ella started to clean it up.

"Congrats Ella!" I tried to sound as sincere as possible, for once I was truly happy for her.

"Thank you very much Van. I have a question to ask you. Would you mind switching classes with me? You know because mates are usually together."

"Ya, sure. What about Ethan? He is still convinced that you're not his mate."

"That might mostly be due to the fact that he was drunk during the party."

She had a good point, I did see Ethan have a few to many drinks during the party. So, me and Ella agreed, first thing Monday morning we would go and ask for a switch. We finished cleaning-up the house and headed off to our rooms for some well deserved sleep.

Since it was Saturday, I slept in to about 3. I woke up nice and refreshed. I got up and changed into a lose dark blue tank and a pair of gray sweet pants. I went downstairs to get some cereal. Ethan was there looking like he was about to face plant in his bowl of cereal from lack of sleep.

"How's it feel to be older?"

"No different then it did yesterday."

"Remind me something next time you ever go to a party."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Never, ever, ever, let you near alcohol."

"Uhh!" Ethan put his hand on his chest and exhaled while bringing his shoulders forward. 

I raised an eyebrow at his reaction. We stayed like that for a split second before breaking put into complete hysteria. 

"What's so funny?"

I stopped my laughter only long enough to turn and look at Ella and tell her that I'm never letting Ethan near another alcoholic drink ever again. After that she joined us in our laughter. 

"Hey Van, the principle said it was okay, he actually came and asked about it. He said he needs someone to go and tell him that they would like to switch."

"Okay, I'll ask Monday. Deal?"

Ella's face lit up with happiness to my answer. I turned back to Ethan when a confused Ethan appeared!

"Woah! A wild confused Ethan has appeared! Van uses unconfuse ray!" I giggled through-out that entire statement. 

"Ethan deflects that and uses explain ray on Van. Super effective! And it's a crit!" Now he's laughing. 

"Van, ill explain what's up. You go get dinner or something."

"Okay, any orders?"

"Chinese." Ethan said while squinting his eyes.

"I'll have a Tia style salad, and that's racist."

"Okay, BRB guys."

I walked out of the room and out of the house and towards the dinning hall.


In the end I got Ethan a Chinese buffet in a box, Ella a Tia style salad, and me some chicken/steak BBQ stir-fry.

When I got back to the house and went to the room my arms felt like they were going to fall off. 'God damn, this is heavy!'. I set some of the food down and knocked on the door.

"It's Van. I has you guys food! Coming in."

I open the door and what did I see? You're probably thinking I saw those two making out. Well, if they are, they must have stepped out or something. All I saw was an empty room. 'Where did those two go?' I just shrugged my shoulders not caring and picked up the food and set it on the table. 

I got my food out and opened it. The smell of stir-fried BBQ flooded the room. I was about to start eating when Ethan and Ella burst into the room yelling about something. 

"Ella! I said no, that's final!"

I knew right there and then, this was something they needed to work out as mates and I wasn't about to be the monkey in the middle. 

"Well then," I said standing up taking my food,

"this looks like a mate thing you two have to work out. So, I'm going to leave and not have to be the odd one out and be pulled into this conversation. Food is hot and on the table, you know where to find me when you guys have worked it out. Do not pull be into this mess!"

With my food in hand, I got up and left my room and went strait to my room. There I settled down and ate my food in peace while watching some SpongeBob. The logic in that show is on the dot when it comes to real life.


♫A/N- hey peoplez! Long time no see. Right now I'm in Africa so this will be posted when I get back. It is August 4 as of me typing this. Sorry for any grammar of spelling mistakes as usual. My school starts back up two weeks from Monday! Finally! I've been getting really bored lately. So? What do you think or Ella? Yes, Van is that naïve. The place I'm staying at in Africa looks like the place from Jurassic park. It's scary. I'm just waiting for the raptor attacks to start.

Hey today is the 14, I know, I typed this 10 days ago, but my trip was really fun. I was like the shortest thing there! It sucked! I got a really pretty necklace, it's a critrine stone! Ya, into I'm in rocks and stuff. How's your summer been? Mine's been okay so far? When do you guys start school? I start this Monday the 18!

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