The dentist

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September 26,2011

Hey guys! This weekend has been out of control for me. I chipped like half the top of my tooth off. So right now I'm waiting for my appointment at the dentist. Ya my tooth is not a pretty sight right now.

And Sunday I felt worst I've ever felt before ugh that was a bad day.

And I chipped my tooth on a PREZEl! I dont even know how! It's so stupid! Sigh it feels lika shark tooth.

The only good thing outta this is maybe I'll get to put a silver cap on it, at least I hope 1 because if I get a filling it could make my tooth fall out :( 2 I'd rather have a cap to be a pirate! ARRG! and 3 getting fillings takes FOREVER!

Ok now I'm in the CHAIR! THE EVIL CHAIR!! somehow I get the same stinkin   Chair everytime I come to this demented place. Over the past 2 years I've came to dentist over 10 thousand times in pretty sure. I had braces but just got em off in July.

On their wall there's a poster explaining the procedure for attaching a fake jaw.... I feel sorry for the ppl who see that right before they get that done..cause it looks VERY PAINFUL.

Oh that's GREAT! someone is using laughing gas down the hall and I think it's leaking...that would explain y it smells funny in here. And y I'm alittle dizzy.

The tooth I practically ripped out of my mouth is a baby tooth sigh so they either might have to pull it too. The bad thing is is that I don't have an adult tooth under it. So this is just the bees knees. I don't wanna fake tooth either BLAH! I pray they put a cap on it!!

Oh my goodness where is the crappin dentist!? he is.

Hehe my dentist is Indian, like the ppl who live in india. Personally I'd love to be Indian haha their accents r awesome I wish I had one like theirs.

It turns out I'm gettin a filling ahh :,( I guess me being a pirate was never meant to be. arrg....

20 mins later

AWK! HACK! BLAH! fillings sure don't taste like candy! It tastes so gross. In the middle of the procedure he was drilling a whole in the tooth and I didn't even feel that I look back on it I didn't hurt when I chipped the chunk off my tooth either. That's weird.

Ha! Just watch me me chip it again by tomorrow. Sometimes my stupids go to the extreme.

Next time I upload a new chapter on here I'll put a list of all my funny fails so I can spread my embarrassment! TO THE WORLD

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