chapter 2

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over the course of the night, i could not sleep. the rain was falling, it was the perfectly cool temperature, and i had rebecca next to me, who was in a deep DEEP sleep. i had no chance of waking her up to talk. i looked over at the alarm clock next to me on my nightstand. the red blinking digits told me that it was 3:32 AM. i knew that in three hours...i would be going to school; which only means that i have to confront Max. i spent the rest of the time staying awake and thinking of ways to tell my my feelings for him and to ask if he wanted to go out friday night (i figured out the day while i was thinking of how i should tell Max my feelings.) i finally decided that i would just confront him and tell him...i mean how hard could it be. my "plotting" must have not been the most interesting thing in the world because before i knew it, my regular beeping alarm clock went off....waking me up from a sleep that i had not known had even happened. rebecca was, as usual, was up and dressed before i was even out of bed. "Are you ready to tell Max your feelings?!" Rebecca squealed! i replied...with as much dulless that i could muster up in my voice, "yea...sure. it is not a big deal." she believed my lie...but i could sense a little hesitation in her eyes that she knew that i was screaming my heart out on the inside. that hesitation only lasted a minute before it was covered up by her normal, peerky self. "ok," she said,"but make sure you wear something pretty and cute. no guy wants an ugly girl!" i could no longer take the subject of talking about Max. i was sick of it as it was already. before she could say anything else, i ran into the bathroom and locked the door. i was sooooo tired of her always so perfect and pretty....all the boys wrapped around her fingertips. then there was me. i had to admit...i had some good looks of my own, but i could never be as "popular" as rebecca. she has silver blond hair that wraps its silky self around her shoulders, and her lean body that has fatty mistake on her body. she looks as if she never ate a chocolate bar in her life. the most amazing part that always makes me jeleous is her face. she has big brown eyes and not one pimple on her face. she has not one blemish on her entire body. she is the kind of girl i see Max would go out with. me, on the other hand, was not nearly as "perfect" as her. i had dark brown hair that always fell losely around my head. i was never one of those people who cared about how beautiful there hair was and how they had to curl it everyday and bla ba blah ba blah. back to the looks thing. i had a muscular body that always made me look kind of fat. to mask this imperfection...i always wore sweats (dont get me wrong, that is one comfortable outfit.) anyway....i had always had that chubby kind-of looking face. i had dark blue eyes to where the ocean was no compare, and besides that....i had pimples. yes....pimples. omly a few, but that was enough to bring notice to my face....and when you are going through puberty and you look like crap...that is not a good thing. i was brought out of my fantasy by a loud knock at the door. "Sarah...are you almost done in there?" it was rebecca. i looked down and i was still in my dinsaur pj's! (dont ask!) my mom was going to kill me. "one second" i replied, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. i guess no shower for me today. i quickly threw on some clothes, applied some makeup, and brushed my teeth. that was about all i could do. i didn't want to be late for the bus. today was going to be a long intresting i would only kill to miss.

Authors Note:

sry the descriptions are a little long and how it kept getting off apologize. i have been having a LONG weekend. it was my b-day weekend!!! sry it is a little short, but i am always short on time. keep rating and voteing!!

luv ya!!


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