chapter 5

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as soon as i was feeling well enough, school was over! " was i really in the bathroom crying that long?!" i thought. i still felt sick to my stomach, but i could stand up now without collapsing! i didn't even bother to take the bus. i decided to walk home...i didn't have anything else better to do then cry. from behind me a heard a voice. my heart continued to beat faster and faster as the footsteps sounded closer and closer. " hello," a cool voice called behind me. i reconized that tone immediatly! It was Max!! my heart leapt immediatly and i was still hoping that he would tell me that he really did like me and the whole talk by the tree was a joke...but i know that my hopes are way too high. "ummmm....i wanted to talk to you about today," he said...scartching the back of his if unsure if he wanted to bring the subject up. "ummm...i kind-of wanted to talk to you about today?" i knew he was nervous....but what came out of my mouth was not cmpassion, but fury."what is there to talk about," i yelled," you wanna talk some more about your girlfriend...if you do, then i don't give a crap!" after my fit, i looked deep into his eyes. it looked like i had hurt him....but i kept going. it felt good to get my steam off. "you always go on and on about her...but i don't even know if she is real. all i know is real is that i like you!" the words came out of my mouth before i knoew what i had said. i turned around and walked away as fast as i could, my face red with both anger and embaressment. i heard his footsteps go faster and fater as he was running to me, and i had no choice. i started running. being on the football team, he was naturally faster then me and knocked me down onto the concrete ground and pinned my arms behind my head as he was ontop of me. i was screaming and yelling. "get off me!! GET OFF ME!!" by now, warm, wet tears were sliding down my face and i wanted nothing more then to just go home. i couldn't keep looking at him. i love him and he doesn't love me back! what else could i do. "listen Sarah, i just wanted you to listen to me"

"well, YOUR CRUSHING ME.....SO GET OFF!!!" I yelled!

"i know you'll run away, so i cannot quite yet, just listen to me. i want you to really listen to the words comming out of my mouth!" by now he had tears starting to come down his eyes. i had never seen a football player been so emotional or EVER start crying.

he was blushing as he said the words i have been waiting to hear since fourth grade. "I love you." we both sat there as he was breathing face close to mine before he said it again...I love you! my heart was pounding....i didn't know what to say, let alone what to do. "what about Veronica?" i spat the name out as if the words burnt my tongue. "she doesn't exsist," he replied, "i made her up so that you would be jeleous and you would say the words i just said back to me."  i was still crying as he brushed my tear away with a gental hand. then he did the most amazing thing that i have ever seen him do...well, to me. he leaned in close and pressed his soft lips to mine. it was gental at first and he kept pushing harder and harder until i was sure he cut off all the circulation in my lips. sparks were flying and i felt as if i were on a cloud. it felt....well, there are no words to describe it. all i know is that that minute was the best minute i have ever spent in my entire life.

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