chapter 6.

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A week has passed,me and Jacob are now best friends.its Sunday today so we decided to go to the cinema,mia was nervous she was actually gonna meet matt today,I already met him a few times actually but she was more exited.I decided to wear my flowery crop top and my white skater did mia but with a black skater skirt.

Knock knock knock.!!

"I'll get it,it will be Jacob and matt!!" I shouted down the stairs.

Mia's POV.

Omg in so nervous I have like matt Espinosa for like EVER and I finally get to meet him,even better GO TO THE CINEMAS WITH HIM.All three of them walk into the room then amber breaks the silence.

"Matt meet mia my twin sister!" Said amber.

"Heyya mia nice to finally meet u,u
Look beautiful."

"Heyy really glad I met u to and thx."

After all the awkwardness Jacob came over and hugged me and said his hi's he always does its nothing like serious.

"So we going to the cinema or what." Jacob said breaking the awkwardness.

"Haha yea come on."

On the way to the cinema we saw our school that we were starting tomorrow I was so nervous.


Omg on the way there we saw our school it looked really big,I was so nervous to start tomorrow,but at least I had Jacob and all his mates and my sister.

"School tomorrow mia,u scared, I know I am." I said to mia looking so happy she was walking with matt.

"Oh er yea I'm scared were not gonna fit in wiv the rest." Mia said frightened.

"Awh mia don't say that I'm sure we will." I said back until matt pitched in.

"Hey mia I know ur gonna fit in,I mean whoever thinks different must b crazy."

"U really think so." Said mia all embarrsed.

"We know so mia." Said jacob.

Hey comment down below some ideas,just to say when they start school there is gonna b some banta just saying.but ideas anyone?~~amber

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