chapter 10.

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Oh no,today is my first day of school
I will admit I am really nervous mia is to.

"Anyway come on mia we have to go home and get ready for our first day,I'm dead nervous." I said to mia giving Jacob a hug goodbye,my feeling for him are getting 1000 times stronger.

"Okay,bye babe I'll see u in school, love u." She replied.

"Love u to baby girl." Matt said.

"Bye amber looking forward to seeing u in school." Jacob said.

We all just carried on saying our goodbyes then me and mia went to head home,until Jacob stopped me.

"Amber can I speak to u alone?"

"I'm really really sorry Jacob but I really do need to get back home maybe u can tell me in school. Yea?" I replied,I felt mean but I had to say we headed out.


So the morning was a bust,I was about to tell amber how I felt about her,but she had to head back to her house,so unfortunately I didn't get chance to tell her,I'll just tell her in school I suppose.

I got ready for school, I wore my north face trackie and so did Matt but his is blue mine is grey.For my shoes I just chose some simple 1,10ns.


today me and amber chose to wear our skater skirts there white then our flowery crop top, then just some simple superstars for our shoes, white ones. I'm a little bit excited for today because I know if I have any problems I can just go to matt surely he will stick up for me. He is just so amazing he means more to me than anyone, well out of my friends anyone. He is so caring and he is always there for me,I'm so glad I have him and no one else does. Amber is mega nervous to go in,she keeps walking round our room twidling her thumbs.

Finally it was time to set of,amber sat at the front and I sat in the back,we've agreed she's at the front the way there and in at the front on the way back,we hopped in and headed for school


Hey guys so I haven't been updating a lo but that's because I don't think anyone reads this book except mia ma best mate. If u are reading plz comment so I know then feel a little more confident.thanks 😘😘

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