Chapter 4: Movie night

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  Myles' POV:

   I asked Briar to be my friend because she seemed really cool and nothing like what Tess had said, Tess was very cruel to lie about Briar like that I couldn't understand why. "Hey Myles" Tess says as I enter the dining hall. "Hey" I reply. "So how'd your duet assignment go with that Briar girl, did she make your life miserable? I told you she would" Tess was seriously annoying me judging Briar without knowing her. "No, actually it was really fun we worked really well together and we even finished the duet already, tomorrow we will work on the solos. "Oh" she said "but come on Myles you seriously don't prefer working with her rather then with me" she said. "Tess I didn't say that" I replied, even if in reality I preferred working with Briar than with her, all Tess ever did was boss me around while Briar on the other hand was amazing and we worked well together.

  "Whatever, I'm not going to let that wanna be ruin my friendship with you" she said grabbing my hands. I pull my hands away and reply with a simple "yeah." I see Briar walk in as she smiles at me. "Myles why is that thing smiling at you?" She asks looking at Briar with an evil smile.  "She is not a that she is actually really nice stop trying to abandon people away from her by lying" I finally say. "Myles you never talked to me like that before!" She says with eyes full of tears. I noticed she was about to cry and I didn't want to push it any further. "I'm sorry" I say as I hug her. I se Briar looking at me with a disappointed face, I knew Briar was right I couldn't let Tess tell me what to do and make me feel bad for being mean to her but I couldn't do anything about it. 

  After dinner I see Trevor, Brittany and Briar talking with each other. "Hey" I say as I put my hands around Trevor. "'Sup bro" Trevor says. "Hey" Briar says. "What are you guys doing?" I ask. "Nothing" Brittany says. I could tell she was hiding something so I ask. "What are you guys hiding?" "If we tell you please don't tell anyone or else everything will be ruined!" Briar says. "Promise"I say. "We were planning on watching a movie tonight in my room, we do it every Monday, we bring snacks and just watch a movie" She says. 'So that's why Trevor always disappeared on Mondays!' I thought.

   "Would you like to join us?" Briar says with a smile. "As long as you don't bring Tess obviously" She says. Trevor and Brittany look at us in amazement, like they couldn't believe we were friends. "Sure" I say smiling. Later that night Trevor and I get ready in our PJs, grab some potato chips from our mini cabinet and walk over to the girls' room. Trevor obviously sits next to Brittany and the only seat left was one between Briar and Trevor so I sat. I felt weird hanging out with them since I was always hanging out with Tess, Julie and Julie's boyfriend Isaac but it felt kind of nice, they were far different from them, good different, especially Briar.

  "Okay so last week we watched a lovey dovey comedy, but this week we have to watch a scary movie" Briar says. "You like scary movies?" I ask her in astonishment. "Yeah why don't you?" she asks as she was about to put the DVD on the girls' flat screen TV. "Of course I love scary movies they're my favourite" I say. Briar smiles at me, she has a really cute smile and it was cool that she liked scary movies. Tess and Julie never let me watch scary movies since they hated them. Briar put the DVD in and sat next to me, we were going to watch 'Mama' which is my favourite scary movie of all times. "Bri you know that scary movies freak me out" Brittany told her. "Don't worry I'm here for you" Trevor said putting his arms around her shoulders. She leaned on his shoulder and I gave him a proud look. 

   It was amazing watching a movie with them, there was even a moment were I went to take some chips and Briar's hand touched mine. "Sorry" she said. After a while we noticed that Brittany and Trevor had fallen asleep, her head on his shoulders and his head on her head. "Aww they're so cute" Briar said. "What do you think happend today while they were working on they're duet, they never acted like this before even though they both liked each other." Briar said. Briar and I just kept watching the movie alone together. It was really cool hanging out with her like that she was really cool and she even found the movie kind of funny. There was as moment were she got scared and put her head on my shoulder hiding her eyes. "Sorry it just freaked me out" she said quickly getting off. "It's okay I don't mind" I said smiling at her.

   Before five minutes until the movie finished I felt Briar's head lie on my shoulder, I looked at her and realised she was sleeping. I didn't know what to do so I just let her sleep, she was really cute when she was sleeping and at one moment I felt my heart beating really fast. Was I starting to feel something for her? No it couldn't be, Briar was my friend and I always thought that Tess would be the one I'd end up falling for. It never happend since instead of falling for her I realised she was like a sister to me but it was different with Briar. We had only become friends that afternoon it couldn't be that I was starting to feel something for her.

  I turned off the TV and carried Briar to her bed. She was shivering so I covered her with the sheets. I woke up Trevor and signalled him to go back to our room so he slowly carried Brittany and put her on to her bed and we slowly left our room. It was an amazing night and I was glad that Briar had become my friend.

Briar's POV

  As I woke up in the morning I realised that I never got up to go to my bed. I felt my face turning red since I realised that I must have slept with my head on Myles. I had a quick shower and put on my uniform. I woke Brittany up and told her that if we didn't hurry we would have been late, we had even missed breakfast.

   As we entered school the principal called me and Brittany in his office. I didn't know what it was about so I was kind of scared. "I'm sure it's nothing bad, I'll see you in dance class" Trevor said. "I heard that you and Brittany had a movie night with Trevor last night, and that you have been doing it ever since you came in to this school Briar" the principal said. I was surprised, how did he know about it? "Who told you about that sir?" Brittany asked. "So you are confirming it's true, Brittany, Briar if I catch you guys doing something against the rules I will have to take you guys away from the end of summer party show." he said. "I felt my eyes burning and I was about to cry, I couldn't believe someone would say that, and why did he mention Trevor and not Myles, Unless...Myles had told the principal. I went out of the principal's office and went next to Trevor and Myles. 

  "I can't believe you told the principal Myles!" I told him. "What are you talking about?" He asked trying to look innocent. "I know you did it, the principal somehow found out that Britt and I were having movie nights on Mondays with Trevor, he only mentioned Trevor and not you so that means that you must have told him, no one knew but us and you, don't speak to me again Myles!" I said running away from him. "Briar wait!" Myles said, but I didn't take notice of him and just ran to my class.

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