Chapter 1 ''He's No Monster''

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I want to tell you that all the characters in this fanfiction is created by Jeff Davis!

Enjoy! ;)


- Stiles' POV -

I was talking to Scott about the test that was coming up next Tuesday when I suddenly saw Derek leaning agains his Camaro. It was Monday, and I had just finished school.

''What's Derek doing here?'' I asked, almost a whisper because I didn't want Derek to hear me asking about him. You never know with those werewolf-skills.

Scott turned around to look where I was currently staring.

''I don't know.. Shouldn't he be out turning teenagers into werewolves or something?'' Scott said with a irretated voice, not whispering. I'm sure Derek heard that.

''Yeah, or something else stupid and weird,'' I replied.

Derek, who was still leaning against the Camaro, turned to look at us. He started walking toward us, but it was like my feet was glued to the ground, I should be running for my life right now, but something kept me from it. Scott seemed just as tense as me. What could Derek possibly need right now?

''Scott, Stiles.'' Derek said with a calm and soft voice.

''What do you want?'' Scott said. Not caring if he sounded harch.

''What makes you think I want something from you?'' He said and looked me in the eyes.

''Because otherwise you wouldn't come to the High School? Or did you come because you wanted to ask how our day was?'' I said, trying to be sarcastic. I knew that Derek hated it when I was.

''By the way, I haven't turned anybody since Boyd,'' He said, pausing, looking down at his feet, and then continued. ''I came to ask you something about Lydia.'' He said, looking up and straight into my eyes, again.

''Lydia? Wait, I thought we were past you thinking that she's some supernatural creature?'' Scott asked, you could see that he was confused. His brown eyes staring at the ground as he tried to figure something out.

''It's impossible that she could get bitten by an alpha without either turning or dying.'' Dereks said, not looking into my eyes, but into Scott's.

''Maybe she's immune? I mean, if werewolves and human-sized lizards exists, why not people who are immune against the bite? It's not like it would be any weirder..'' The last thing I murmured, didn't want a murderous Derek Hale after me.

''So you haven't seen anything unusual about her? At all?'' Derek said, completely ignoring my 'immune-against-the-bite' theory.

''Now when I'm thinking about it, yes she did something strange today..'' I said, looking down, trying to hide my smile.

''What?'' Both Derek and Scott said at the exact same time.

''She talked to me.'' I said, looking up, not smiling tho.

''I don't have time for this. Contact me if you notice something weird. I want to know.'' Derek said, turning away from me and Scott, walking back to his shining car.

Both Scott and I didn't say anything until we knew for sure that he was out of earshot. Scott was the first one to speak up.

''I don't get it. Why would Derek worry about Lydia? Even if she was turned into a werewolf, she'd still be Peters beta.''

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