Chapter 5 ''The Spark''

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So, in this chapter there will be a plot twist! Read and you'll see!

Hope you'll enjoy it!


-Stiles POV -

Where am I? The last thing I remember is getting hit on the head and then.. I was here. Why couldn't I remember!?

I sat chained against a stick steel pipe, and there was no way I even had the energy to try getting out of the chains. The pain was unbereable, and I had no idea of what to do. I seemed to be underground. It was freezing cold, and I could feel blood running across my face. I don't know how long I've been here, nor what time it was. Had I been kidnapped? If that's the case, then by who?

''Hey! Not very good service down here!'' I yelled, not sure if anyone even could hear me, I doubt it though. I could be anywhere, I didn't know.

The aching from his head was just too much, and everything went blurry.

- 3 hours earlier -

I was on my way back home from school, walking trough the parking lot, towards my beloved jeep. I was supposed to tell Scott about me and Derek that day, but it hadn't really been brought up... By the time I sat down behind the steering wheel I remembered that I was picking my dad up from work, because he didn't work late this day.

I started driving and was at the main road, no other car could be spotted. It wasn't really unusual, not all people took this way, most of them took the roads trough in town. I liked this way more, it was peaceful. I was cut away from my thoughts when a figure suddenly stood in the middle of the way.

I had to make a sharp turn to not hit the thing. I wasn't sure if the figure even was a human being.
The jeep slid off the road, only to hit a tree. It all happened so fast that I didn't even had time to react before I felt the pain all over my body caused by the crash.

Everything went black.

-  1 hour later, Derek's POV -

Stiles was supposed to swing by my place after picking his dad up after school, but he hadn't been here yet. I checked my phone to see if any new messages had popped up. Nothing. I started getting worried, and sent a text.

To: Stiles
Stiles where are you? I'm getting worried, call me.

No reply. Why wouldn't he answer? He always text me if something happens. Maybe something happened? Before thinking I grabbed my leather jacket and went straight for Stiles' house.

I didn't even halfway there before I saw a wrecked wellknown jeep. Stiles' jeep. I was hit by fear for what could've happened, or in which state he was in. I literally jumped out my Camaro and ran towards the blue vehicle. The whole car was destroyed, and the scent hit me like nothing before, it was Stiles' blood. I could see it on the steering wheel and window, but no Stiles. I started to panick, where could he be? Could he had went for a hospital? No, the hospital was too far from here, and I was sure that Stiles wouldn't even be consious, thinking of the amount of blood in the car.

Maybe someone else found him and took him to a hospital? But if so, why waren't there any police cars here?

My phone vibrated and I took a deep breath when I saw Stiles' name appear on the screen.

''Stiles! What happened to you? Please, say you're okay!'' I said, barely able to speak, I had been so worried.

''I can tell you one thing, Derek. He's not looking very good.'' I freezed as I heard the unfamiliar voice say from the other line, what seemed to be a woman.

''Who are you? What did you do to him!?'' I asked with gritted teeth, feeling the panick coming back.

''He's smart, you know. I want to know what he knows. He knows too much for his own good, and this time it might have got him killed. If he is cooperactive when he wakes up, then maybe he'll get to a hospital in time.'' She said with a cold tone. I could hear her smile.

''What do you want to know? He doesn't know anything!'' I didn't know what she wanted to know, but right now I was too upset to stand listen to the one who just kidnapped my boyfriend. What could Stiles possibly know that would get him into this position? Damnit Stiles!

''I wan't to know about the spark's powers! Stiles' powers!'' She spat out.

Spark? Stiles? I had heard Deaton talk about how some human beings could get supernatural powers by having unbreakable and special bonds with supernatural creatures, but there was no way that Stiles was a spark, no. He couldn't be! Could he?

''Oh, you see, Derek.. Stiles isn't just an innocent, defenseless little human. He's got powers! Power that we could only dream of. Powers of a spark. Stiles is your packs spark,'' She said, before she continued. ''It's a pity that you didn't realize it until now, maybe you could've stopped this from happening.'' She said, laughing a cold laugh.

''Oh, looks like he's waking up. Let's hope that he's not as stubborn as I've heard. Nice talking to you, Derek.'' She said before hanging up.

Derek stood there, in the middle of a car crash, not able to move. He had to call the others, they needed to find Stiles, and that fast.

- Present time, Stiles' POV -

''Ugh...'' Was all I managed to say, my head was aching, blood dripping from my hair down on the floor.

''Ah, finally you're awake again. I think you passed out earlier. Sorry for the car, by the way.'' A bright familiar voice said.

''Avery?'' I said, surprised. What was she doing here? What was she doing to me?

''You remember me? I'm sorry Stiles, but you know something that I've been wanting to know for so long, and all you have to do is giving me the information. If you do that, I'll even take you to a hospital, deal?'' She said with a smile. It wasn't the same kind smile that Stiles had known as long as he could remember.

''What-- ugh!  is it?'' I managed to spit out, the pain from my stomach doing itself reminded, apparantly I had gotten more hurt than I first realized.

''I want to know about your powers, Stiles!'' She said, like it was obvious.

''What the hell are you talking about? Hh..ugh! What powers?'' I asked, my vision started to getting blurry again as she said one of the strangest things,

''You're the Spark, Stiles,'' She said, and that was the last thing he could hear.

Avery's green eyes glanced cold at mine, as I closed my eyes, and everything around me went black for the third time today.


So! What do you think of this plot twist?

Who do you think Avery is?

Leave your thoughts in the comments! :D


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