Chapter 7 ''One heartbeat left''

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I am sooooo sorry for not updating in months! Ugh, anyway, here you have it :)


- Lydia's POV -

I had got home from the hospital just last night, and you could say that the doctors were really confused. They had no idea what had happened, so at first they thougt I had just faked it all.
When I found out that Derek had got me to the hospital in the first place, I myself was surpriced, but I guessed that Derek and Stiles had finally sorted things out between them, it was just too much unresolved sexual tension between the two of them not to know ther 'hidden' feelings for one another.

''Lydia?'' My mom said, with a little concern in her voice.

''For the last time, I'm fine. I probably just passed out from stress, or something,'' I said, since I got out of BH memorial she hadn't stopped asking the same questions; Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything? Do you want to take a few days off from school?  It was exhausting.

''Stiles has gone missing,'' She said, wathcing me with worry all over herself.

''What?'' I blurted out. Stiles had gone missing? 

''The police department wanted to inform everyone, in case anyone had seen anything,''

''Umm, thanks.. I have to.. I have to make a call,'' I knew it probably sounded a little off, but Stiles was my friend, kind of, and I wanted to help. 

I stood up from my bed and practically ran out the door, to grab my coat and swing by Derek's.

- Derek's POV -

''Hold on, someone is calli...'' Was all I got out before I saw that it was Lydia calling, she shouldn't even have my number.

''Lydia, why do you have this number? We're in a hurty, be quick,'' I said.

''I know about Stiles, I want to help. I'm swinging by your place,'' She sounded determinded, so she wouldn't give up.

''... We're at Scott's place.'' I said trough gritted teeth, more worry appearing.

Before she had the chance to answer, I hung up and turned to face Scott. He had tried to stay calm, but I could see how worried he was, after all, Stiles was his best friend. Scott had just returned from the sherrif's deppartment to infrom them that Stiles was missing, kidnapped.

''Okay, Stiles has been gone for what? 6 hours? 7?'' Scott asked, his eyes looked sad, tired, and most of all, concern.

''.. 8. He's hurt, and I don't know if he's even alive, Scott.. We got to prepare for the worst,'' How much I didn't want those words to leave my mouth, we had to stay strong. If Stiles dies, more blood is on my hands. Maybe Stiles' death isn't fully on me, but I'm going to take the blame for it, and I know that the guilt will come.

- Avery's POV -

He looked weak. Maybe he wasn't the spark? Maybe I had got the wrong information? Either way, it was my order, and if I don't follow them, I will probably end up dead.

Stiles was still breathing, but there were only a matter of time before he was dead. 
Better dead than out free and killing innocent people, I thought. Maybe he hadn't killed anyone yet, but he would, and I knew it. Old feelings didn't matter anymore.

Then suddenly, something happened. One more heartbeat stopped, and there were only one left.


And there it was! An update! Sorry for it being so short, but I'm a bit rusty.
You know how I love a chiffhanger *Evil laughter*

But another chapter IS coming! and that will probably be the last!

Thank you all for reading this, you all deserve chocolate for waiting so long, ugh.

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