Chapter 6 ''Could it be too late?''

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- Narrative POV -

Derek went straight to Scott's house. He didn't know if Stiles had told him about them yet, but if Stiles was missing, or even worse, kidnapped, Scott would want to hear about it. As Derek stepped upon the porch, Scott opened the door. Probably had felt the scent of Derek.

''Derek. Mind telling me what you want from me?'' Scott said, glaring at Derek.

''Have you seen Stiles?'' Derek said, ignoring the glare that followed from Scott. Derek was really worried. The woman had said that Stiles hadn't much time left. Derek wouldn't let Stiles die.

''What do you mean? Why are you looking for Stiles? Wait... why do you have Stiles' blood on your shirt?!'' Scott said, probably taking it for granted that Derek had hurt Stiles, but there was no time for that, they had to find him!

''I found Stiles' jeep. It had crashed into a tree. See, the thing is that I'm getting really worried, because Stiles wasn't there. He was gone.. After I found his car I got this call, from a woman. I don't know who she was, but she said something about time running out.'' Derek said, not caring that Scott looked confused as hell, and now worry seemed to spread across his face as well.

''Call the others! I'm going to the station! Maybe they can send out an APB!'' Scott said, his voice cracking a little. He didn't seem to care. Scott went for his jacket and were out of the house in just a matter of seconds. Scott ran towards his mototcycle and drove away, towards the police station.

Derek picked his phone up and dialed Isaac.

- Stiles' POV -

''You know Stiles, we've known each other since kinder garden, and I know that you will do anything to keep your little pathetic pack safe. All I want is for you to tell me everything about your powers, your Spark. Oh, if you don't recognize that word, there's another. Emissary.'' Avery said with a smile, her eyes cold. This wasn't the kind little girl I had known a long time ago. This was a psycotic, determinded, crazy and desperate bitch.

''I really have no idea of... what you're talking about.. Pl- Please just let me- ugh! go..'' I said, forcing myself to not drift off to sleep, because I knew that if I fell asleep, I might never wake up again.

''Stiles! I don't want to kill you! But you're dangerous. You can heal people, and yourself, you just need to learn how to do it.'' She said, looking down at her feet.

''Well.. that doesn't sound very.. dangerous?'' I said, trying to make a joke, but all I really did was making my head ache more.

''If you'd ever lose control, you could kill someone!'' she yelled out. Then she continued, ''I'm here to see if you're any danger to Beacon Hills. Trust me.. If I had any say in this.. you would never had ended up here..'' She said, and now I could see the Avery I had known, and loved. We had been best of friends, but lost touch after middle school. She was still looking down, and I almost forgave her for what she'd done to me.

''Can't you just take me to a hospital... and then you can help me figure all of this shit out? 'Cause.. ugh.. I don't know anything about Emissaries or Sparks. I promise,'' I said, trying to convince her to let me go.

''Sorry.. but I just can't,'' she said. Now back to her cold self. ''I'd lose my job, and I don't want that. Guess you'll just have to wait for your rescue.''

I had never experienced a pain like this. I let a tear roll down my face. This was it, I wasn't going to get out of this alive.

Avery turned around and walked out of the room she was keeping me in. It was freezing cold, and I was now sobbing. I won't even get to say goodbye to any of them. Not to my dad, not to Scott, and not to Derek.

''I love you, Derek Hale'' was all I could get myself to say before I was sorrounded by the dark. Again.


I'm sorry for this being such a short chapter, but this is just because I'm going to London in a few days, and won't be able to write anything!

I would also like to give sterekers a shoutout! Thank you for reading my fics, darling! ;*
You should really take a look on her fanfictions as well! They're all awesome!

Thank you for being patient, and I love you all! ♥

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