Chapter 4 ''I Miss You, I Love You''

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Hey! I'm sorry if this chapter will be a little bit weird..I WILL try to give you more Sterek in this chapter, because well. I love them more than anything.

So let's get started, shall we?


- Narrative POV -

Lydia was screaming outside, and Stiles and Derek was trough the front door in no time.

''Lydia! What's happening? Why are you screaming?'' Stiles said when she stopped.

She didn't say anything, dhe didn't move, just looked down at her feet.

''Lydia! Answer me!'' Stiles said, worry filling his voice.

She slowly turned to look at Stiles, then at Derek. She looked confused, tears streaming down her face. She opened her mouth to say something, but shut it again.

''I- I don't know.. I don't know why I'm here.. I-'' she started, but couldn't say anything more before fell down to the ground.

''Lydia!'' Stiles yelled. ''Call an ambulance now. Now, Derek!'' he said, his voice filled with worry.

Derek who had just been watching the whole situation started to walk towards Stiles and Lydia, instead of running into the house to call 911.

''Derek! What the hell are you doing? She needs to get to a hospital!'' Stiles yelled at him as Derek picked Lydia up in his arms, carrying her like in a movie. He glanced down at Stiles who just sat there, with tears in his eyes. Then Derek turned around, running with Lydia still in his arms, away in the dark.

- Stiles POV -

What was he doing? She needs a hospital! Not an alpha werewolf. I knew that Lydia was still alive, because when Derek picked her up, she was still breathing. That's a pretty good sign of life, isn't it? Derek was still an asshole, he knew that Lydia was an important person in my life. Once I had loved her. He wouldn't let her die, would he?

I still sat outside my house, wondering what had just happened. I started with what I already knew,
1) Lydia was screaming outside, with no reason. I think.
2) Lydia didn't know what she was doing outside Stiles' house in the late night.
3) Lydia fell unconscious to the ground.
4) Derek took her to god knows where.

It still didn't make sense. Where were they right now?

- Derek's POV -

Stiles probably hated him by now. I ran to the hospital the fastest I could. I knew how important Lydia was for Stiles, and I knew that Stiles would never forgive me if I let anything bad happen to her.

In the time I got there her heart was pounding lower than before. I pushed the doors open and immidietly nurses where coming running towards us.

''I don't know what happened, she just passed out!'' I said to all of them, not caring if my voice cracked a little.

''We'll take it from here!'' One of the nurses said, not looking up at me, since she was busy doing tests on Lydia.

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