Chapter 2 ''Something I Never Thought I'd Do''

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Hey guys! :D
Okey, I'm gonna let you read this chapter! Let me know what you think in a comment! ILY!


- Stiles POV -

I woke up about 4 hours after I fell asleep, thanks to my phone. I threw a fast look on the screen and be surpriced over who's calling.

''Hey, Stiles!''  I heard the bright voice trough the phone.

''Umm.. Hi, Lyds.. Wh.. Why are you calling me?'' I said, my voice was crappy, because of my lack of sleep.

''Okay, this is going to sound weird, but do you like.. wanna hang out? You know, as in going shopping? After school? I mean, not as a date. Just as friends?'' If this happened 4 months ago I would freak out, scream, and cry like if she proposed or something, but instead I just felt happy that someone - who wasn't Scott - wantet to hang out. Like friends.

''Oh, yeah! Sure! Um, when is your last class?'' I answered, still surpriced over that Lydia Martin just asked if I wanted to go shopping with her.

''Oh, I have my last class at 3. So, you could maybe pick me up around 4? Outside the school then,'' she said. I could hear that she let out a sigh of relief. Why would she do that? Why would she be nervous to talk with me? This day started of weird.

''Sure! I'll be there! Umm.. I just have to ask, I just got a little surpriced when I saw you calling me at 6 am and, well.. my question is.. why did you ask me? Why not Allison?'' I said with my calmest voice, and put on a smile, even if I knew she couldn't see it.

''Um, well.. Allison just won't shut about Scott, and.. and I wanted to spend som alone time with you,''
She replied.

I got very surpriced by that. Very. Lydia Martin, the queen of High School, wanted to spend some alone time with me? I felt flattered and happy. I'm not in love with Lydia anymore. I see her as a close friend. Almost like a sister.

''Okay. Yeah, I'd like to spend some time with you too. It was a long time ago.'' I said, I even managed to laugh. I heard her laugh trough the line, and then I threw a look on the clock. It was 6:20.

''Oh hey Lyds, I have to go! I'll be picking you up at 4 outside school then?'' I asked, still smiling.

''Yeah, see you! It was nice talking to you!'' She said, I heard her laugh.

''Yeah, you too! See you,'' I said and hung up. I felt happy.

- 5 hours later -

I was walking to my last class of the day.  I had Science, which I suck at. I ended school 12:15 today, because a teacher got sick, and no one is there instead. I'll still get 3 hours before I was supposed to pick Lydia up. I had no idea of how to kill that time.

I sat down in the seat next to Danny. Me and Danny didn't always get along that well, but he was a nice guy. Mr. Harris, our science teacher had put me and Danny togheter as lab partners, and I didn't mind it that much.

After about 30 minutes into the class, Danny poked me on the arm and I turned to look up at him.

''Stiles?'' he said.

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