Chapter 8 ''Shut Up, Stiles''

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AAAAAAAND HERE IT IS. THE FINAL CHAPTER. WOHO. I hope you can all forgive me for not posting so much, I AM SORRY. 
All mistakes are my own, and my keyboard is a jerk, so i apologize.


Stiles can barely breathe, can barely see trough the black dots treathening his view. The last thing he heard was a gun firing, and  then  everything went  in  slow motion, the way deputies ran towards him  shouting that they've found him, but that  wasn't  what  he noticed.What  he noticed was the way Amy's eyes were still open, looking at  him. The way her mouth was open, just to reveal blood, and the way her chest was a shade of dark red, and not the light blue that her shirt was just some seconds before.  Everything slowly turned  black  around him,  and  the last  thing  he registered was  how  his dad crouched  beside  him,  worry in  his eyes, and  tears from crying, then he was out like a light.


''...ou think he'll  wake up?'' Stiles heard a voice ask, even though the beeping from the machines was the sound that was the loudest sound. He couldn't put a face to the voice, but it was familiar, safe.

''He went through a lot,'' that was his father, that he knew for a fact. ''but he's  also strong. He'll wake up soon enough, and  he can tell us both what the hell happened, and why that girl would want to hurt  him.''

''Yeah.. I just don't want to  see him get hurt again. We were all so worried. I don't think we would've gotten to him in time, and I guess the sheriff's department got a hold on the situation a lot faster than we did.''

''His kidnapper  left her DNA on his car, and  we were able to  track her down. Much to our  luck,'' His  father  replied.

Stiles couldn't move, and  he  couldn't  open his  eyes, but he  heard everything happening  around him.


The  next  time Stiles woke up he had control over  his own  body  once  again, and he found  Derek  sitting ina  chair  in the corner of the room. He had dark rings under his eyes, a sign that showed he hadn't slept properly since Stiles' disappearanse.

''He', sour'olf, 'ou awake?'' Stiles whispered.  His  voice  didn't work in his  favor, but that  really didn't matter that  much. Seeing Derek for the first time in what felt like forever felt really, really good.

''Stiles?'' Derek said, sittig up in his chair like a child realising it was christmas. The comparing made Stiles grin.

''Hey. Ha'ing  fun?''

''Yor scared us, Stiles. What the hell happened?'' Derek asked, anger showing in his eyes, although not directed towards Stiles. And oh God, those eyes.

''Amy, an old  friend  from  kindergarden  said something about  me being dangerous, needs to be  kept  away  from  everyone and that  jazz. And  you know  what? I  really  don't  care right now.'' Stiles  said, his voice back  to normal, and  a  genuine  smile  crossing his  swollen lips.

''You were  asleep for  about 2 days,  so  you missed a  few  things. Scott's going  crazy, complaining on  not  being able to visit you.'' Derek said, matching  Stiles' smile.

'' Ha, that's Scotty. Uhm.. how's Lydia? We never really figured out what  was going on about  her,'' I had to ask. It may not be the most important thing right now, but they'll have to deal with it sooner or later anyways.

''We're still not sure. -The thing I'm most concerned about is your well being, so shut up and get some sleep. Get better.'' Derek is mocking him, he's  sure.

''Missed me, huh?'' Stiles grins at him.

''Shut up, Stiles''


Did you like it? Was it a good ending? Did I leave something out?
I'd like to leave it at something happy, but I know that if I  wrote more, it would end with a book, and not a chapter haha.

(and  again, i'm sorry  for these chapters being  so short, srsly what's wrong with me?)


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