Chapter 3 ''I'm Not Sorry For Loving You"

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Hey! This chapter will be more about Sterek, and less about the superatural!

Hope you'll like it!


- Stiles POV -

He kissed me.

And I did something I never thought I'd do, ever.

I kissed him back.

It was a soft kiss, it was perfect. I loved him. You're not supposed to love someone after the first kiss, but I did. I loved him more than anything, right in that moment. I layed my arms over his neck, and I felt safe. It felt like I finally had a safe place to land. That safe land was Derek. I didn't care if anyone would come bursting into my room, all my thoughts were on him, the one person I had my arms wrapped arond. This was the best thing that had happened to me in a long, long time.

When he eventually pulled back, he looked at me. My eyes staring right into his. I loved his eye colour, hazel. It was like a mix between green, brown and grey. He was stunning.

''I- I have to.. umm..'' he said, still staring into my eyes, refused to break the eye contact.

''Uh, do- can I see you tomorrow?'' I asked, after what felt like centuries we broke the eye sex we had and I took my arms off of him. He lookes down at the floor, then back at me.

''If you want to,'' He said, pausing. He opened his mouth to speak, but immediately closed it again.

''I want to,'' I said, then I started to smile. I was really happy. I can't believe that Derek liked me.

''Good. I'm not going anywhere,'' he said, smiling back at me.

''Good, 'cause I want to be with you,'' I said, more grinning now.

''So I- I should probably get going. See you tomorrow, then,'' he said as he turned around, climbed out the window, and dissapeared into the shadows.

- Derek's POV -

He liked me. I felt my heart skip a few beats when I thought about him. I was still feeling the way that his soft lips felt like on mine. His scent hanged around in the air for a while aftterwards, not that I minded really.

When I came back to the loft, Isaac, Erica and Boyd stood there. Just to clarify, they were three teenagers in Scott and Stiles' age that I had turned into werewolves. I chose these three because I had seen how miserable their lives where. Erica - Her mom was an author, but she was drunk most of the time, and Erica could barely spend any time with her at all. Before Erica got turned she was a weak girl that nobody liked. She was bullied because of her epilepsy. After she got turned, she was strong, hot and everyone wanted to be with her.

Isaac - was my favorite. I know I probably shouldn't have one, but Isaac was the first of them that got turned. His dad beated him and looked him in a freezer when he didn't do things right.
His dad was later killed, but that was after I turned Isaac, but Isaac's father was a bad man.

Boyd - I think that Boyd just wanted to help, and found it easier if he was stronger. Boyd didn't really have any friends, other than Erica and Isaac. Erica and Boyd were almost like siblings, although they were complete opposites in the looking.

''You smell like him.'' Erica said, she seemed upset.

''I was over at his place. Not weird.'' I answered, not caring about trying to cover it up. My gaze threw over the room. Everyone looked at me. Quietly. It was like Erica switched from sad and voulnerable to angry and ready for revenge on something.

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