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"Yeol, Yeol, Yeol" Baekhyun shouted excitedly to his best friend, Chanyeol

Chanyeol smiled "What is it, Baek?"

"Can we go to dinner together with Sehun, Kai, Luhan and Kyungsoo please?" Baekhyun asked, stomping around like a little kid.

Chanyeol sighed "You know how our friends are all dating and we're just friends, wouldn't that feel weird?"

Baekhyun pouted "Then, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Chanyeol's eyes widened "You're just saying that so I would go with you"

Baekhyun's face became serious. He looked into Chanyeol's eyes and held both of his large hands in his.

"I'm serious" Baekhyun finally said "I've liked you for so long now, but I guess you're so stupid that you haven't even realize it"

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun's hands a light squeeze "I thought you didn't like me because you know, I'm Chanyeol"

"And I like Chanyeol a lot" Baekhyun said.

He wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and tip toed to kiss him.

Chanyeol's hands sneaked their way around Baekhyun's waist and he responded to the kiss.

Baekhyun pulled away "So, will you go with me?"

Chanyeol laughed "Of course. Let's get ready"

They got in the shower together as they normally do, except they kissed and touched each other intimately.

They got out of the shower and dressed in their suit and tie (As long as I got my suit and tie~~ hehe sorreh!)

"How do I look?" Baekhyun asked, turning around for Chanyeol to see

Chanyeol placed his hand on his chin "Mmm..you look sexy"

Baekhyun laughed "Oh, shut up!"

"What? You asked me how you look, right?" Chanyeol said "Anyway, how about me? How do I look?"

Baekhyun smiled "Handsome as always"

Chanyeol pinched Baekhyun's cheek and he flashed it off.

"You're just like my grandma" Baekhyun said and Chanyeol laughed

"You're too cute"


They arrived at the restaurant in 20 minutes and were greeted by their friends.

Luhan hugged them and kissed them on their cheeks.

Baekhyun wiped his cheek "Yuck, stop acting like a girl"

Luhan pouted "I am not acting like a girl"

"You sure look like one"

"Yah!" Luhan shouted "Do you see this.." he said pointing at his 'biceps' "..this is manly"

"Just shut up with the manly thing already. Everybody knows how much of a girl you are"

"I am n-AHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Luhan screamed in the most girliest way ever.

A bug flew on his shoulder.

Sehun rolled his eyes "Come on, princess"



"Fuck you"

Their friends laughed and they got inside the restaurant. They sat at the back of the restaurant, where it was dimly lit and jazz music was playing in the background.

One Shots : ChanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now