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"Here are your results for the math test you did yesterday" Mr. Park said to the students

He handed out everyone's paper, but kept Baekhyun's.

"Umm, Mr. Park" Baekhyun raised his hands "I didn't receive my paper"

Mr. Park placed his hand on his chin "You'll see me after class. In the meantime, turn your text books to page 57"

Baekhyun groaned in annoyance and did as his teacher said. The students were busy doing their works, but Baekhyun found it difficult.

He just sat there frustrated and gripping his hair tightly. Mr. Park noticed this and went over to Baekhyun. He stooped down and whispered into his ear.

"Don't understand?" Mr. Park's deep voice whispered into Baekhyun's ear.

Baekhyun shivered and swallowed the lump in his throat "I-it's kind of difficult"

Mr. Park laughed and wrote something on Baekhyun's book.

we'll talk after class ;)

"Is he flirting with me?" Baekhyun whispered to himself. He then laughed "He can't be. He's my teacher"


The bell rang signalling that class was over. All the students left the classroom, but Baekhyun was to remain.

Mr. Park smiled at Baekhyun "Have a seat"

Baekhyun nodded and sat down. He took off his bag and fiddled with his fingers, waiting for Mr. Park to say something.

"I see you're horrible at math, so I've decided to help you" Mr. Park said, a huge smile on his face

"Thank you so much, Mr.Park" Baekhyun said, happy that someone was going to help him

"Please" Mr. Park said "call me Chanyeol"

"Is that okay?" Baekhyun asked, raising his eyebrows

Chanyeol chuckled "Yes, it's okay. How about you come over to my house later and we can work on some math problem?"

Baekhyun thought for a while "Sure, what time?"

Chanyeol had a wicked grin on his face "7 sounds nice"

"7 it is" Baekhyun said and got up "Thank you so much again, Mr- Chanyeol"

"No problem" Chanyeol said and watched as Baekhyun walked out of the room.

He inspected his ass and bit his lips, rubbing the front of his pants

"Fuck, he turns me on so much" Chanyeol said to himself and closed the door.


-At Chanyeol's house-

Chanyeol's door bell rang and he went downstairs and opened the door.

A smile found its way to his face "Baekhyun, you made it"

Baekhyun smiled "Yeah, can I come in?"

Chanyeol let Baekhyun in, and he carried him upstairs to his room.

"You can sit on the bed" Chanyeol told Baekhyun

Baekhyun hesitantly sat on the bed, then set his stuffs down.

"I'll be right back" Chanyeol said to Baekhyun and left

Baekhyun just nodded and started taking out his book. He took a pencil and tapped it on his face, trying to work out a problem.

He groaned as he couldn't figure it out and let out a long sigh.

Just then, Chanyeol walked into the room without a shirt. Baekhyun looked up and his jaw dropped.

One Shots : ChanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now