chapter 6

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hey you guys there's picture of Ryder on the side (if i did it right it should be there lets hope i did do it right)


Mia's P.O.V.


"oh come on Ry stop being such a baby and let me sit in shotgun" i whined "no" he snapped "and why can't i?" "because it's my car and i said so now get in the fuckn' car" he said in a forced calm voice. let me explain right now me and ryder on the side of the road after the race, which i one and he came secound. anyway i was about to get in the front seat next to the drivers seat after i changed and he locked it, can you believe it he then rolled down the backseat window and told me to sit in the back and now we're here argueeing. "Ryder stop being such a dick and let me in the damn car!" i yelled at him kicking the car door "hey don't hurt the car for your stubborness" he smirked at me "ugghh" i finally climb in and slam the door close hard and cross my arms in deafet and glare at ryder "there ya go kitten now was that so hard" he said chuckling "oh shut up" i growled. oh Ryder you are messing with the wrong girl i will get you back. i thought to myself "hey earth to Mia!" said ryder "what do you want" i said "i said buckle up" i did what he said. the rest of the ride to liam's house was quiet. when we finally get there ryder puts the car in park turns to me and says "stay here i'm going to go get him. i'll be back" and he walked out of the car. i then realize something. oh Ry you idiot you left the keys, and as fast i could i climbed to the front seat and strapped myself into the drivers seat, and locked the two front doors. i wait a few more secounds when i see ryder and liam walk out laughing about something. then ryder sees me in the front and his eyes widen "oh hell no get back to your seat kitten i'm driving" he says i just shake my head. while ryder is busy pulling the door handle i catch Liam's eye and siliently tell him to go to the passanger side. he understood and made his way to the other side i unlock it and he climbs in and when he closes the door ryder sees what we have done aand yells "are you fucking kidding me man you're suppose to be on my side"  and we burst out laughing while ryder pounds his fist in the car. "okay fine ry i'll let you in the car but you get the backseat" i smirk at him he just glares at me and says "you don't even know where we're going" with a bigger smirk on his face "i know where we're going you told me" says liam "he knows where we're going" i say with my smirk getting bigger. he then gives me and liam a death glare and climbs in the back grumbling something we didn't really understand.

Liam's P.O.V.


when ryder finally agreed to go in the back he did't look to happy. when he gets in he is grumbling i couldn't understand. all of the sudden he slaps be behind the head "ow what the fuck man?" i ask "that's what you get ya Traitor" he growled Mia then burst out laughing. i rub the back of my head "uh turn here and the diner is going to be here at the left" i explained to her as turned into the diner "oh and don't worry kitten they sell salads here don't want to ruin your awsome figure now do you" smirked Ryder "aw Ry you think i have a good figure thanks. but you shouldn't worry bout me" she winked at him and climbed out of the car leaving ryder shocked in the backseat. i chuckled at him and climbed out behind Mia. "ey ryder ya idiot ya coming" said Mia. damn i have never seen anyone talk to ryder like that. ever. "ey mia you got some real balls talking to ryder like that" i tell her wrapping my arm on her shoulder "i'm not a afraid of the big bad bad boy Li" he laughed. "hi liam a seat for two" said sandy "hey sandy no table for three ryder is in the car a little starstruck by this girl right here" i said ruffling Mia's hair "Liam touch my hair again i will hit you in the stomach so hard i'm going to make you puke" i burst out laughing at her threat "alright you guys this way." said sandy as made our way to the booth. then ryder walked in "ey man over here" i yelled "shit can you like not yell into my ear liam" she yelled in my ear "ow i'm sorry" i chuckled. ryder made a face still pissed about Mia beating him he told me when he walked in my house. he glared at my arm that was still wrapped around Mia i just chuckle and pull my arm away.

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