Chapter 21.-Sparks Fly

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when I say to play the song play it and just continue reading ^.^

>>Mia's P.O.V.<<

After about five more dances Alec wants to take a break i nod and we make our way back to our table where Ryder had an annoyed look on his face and squeaky was laughing at something in her phone. Jake was no where to be seen. i was about to sit in an empty chair but Alec pulls me onto his lap. i let out a giggle and i kissed his lips. when i started to pull away he pulled me back. we sat there kissing for a little bit until someone cleared their throat and made us pull away. "hey sis what's up" he asked belle the girl that came to the table before. "uhm mom is on the other room and wants to talk to you" she said with a devious smile "hey Ariel nice to see you for the third time today." "Clockwise belle" i said "hey cuz" Ryder said "not so good seeing you" belle said. i laughed "hey babe i like your sister." i smirked and then turned to belle "i think you and me are going to be good friends how old are you again?" i asked "i'm actually the same age as you and alec. we're twins" she smirked "and why haven't you told me this babe" i said turning to alec "uhm -uhm because... hey love have i told you that you look beautiful today?" he said "you now sweetheart you're lucky i like you and that British accent really helps your case and your looks damn" i smirked letting him know i for gave him. i pecked his lips all of the sudden Ryder slams fist onto the table, which makes me jump, and he pushes his chair back and storms out. "Uhm i should better go check what that was all about" said alec helping me off of him. "but mom wants to talk to you" said belle. "Shit yeah uhm uh tell her i went with Ryder and I'll be back later she won't care she loves him Kay" belle nodded in agreement. alec was about to walk away when i grabbed his hand "wait you can't leave me alone with..." i direct my eyes towards squeaky who is to busy on her phone to be paying attention to us "that". alec chuckled "love I'll only be a few minutes just try not to kill her in the mean time Kay?" I nodded he smiled and gave me a peck on the lips and left with belle.

>Ryder's P.O.V.<

Hearing Mia call alec sweetheart made me crack the past few days I've met her she has only called me sweetheart no one else. 'god listen to yourself man you're jealous and you barely known her a week!' my inner yelled at me 'so i feel like I've known her before though' i yelled back 'you have remember what your mother said' 'yeah i do but-' "Ryder! what the hell was that back there mate" asked alec walking into restroom. "nothin i just got annoyed" i growled glaring at him.

"What why because your date won't give you attention?" i didn't say anything but it had nothing to do with Jenna being on her god damn phone. "Come on mate if it bothers you so much why don't you tell her" he kept rambling "alec" "i mean if she doesn't listen then you can-" "alec" he still wouldn't shut up "you can ditch her and find some other girl i mean it's not the-" "ALEC" I yelled his name punching him in the arm. "ow bloody hell Ryder that hurt" he complained rubbing himself where i hit him. "sorry i just really needed you to shut up" i explained he nodded "what is it then" he urged i ran my hand through my hair and sighed "look i think i-uhm i-i think i" "god damn Ryder spit out"

"I think i'm falling for your god damn girlfriend!" i yelled at him "happy is that what you wanted to hear" i growled. Alec's eyes widen "what?" he asked but a little too calm "i said i think i'm falling for-" "i heard what you said" he said his voice still too calm. "You seem oddly calm why?" i asked. He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "That's cause i-i-i-uhm" he mumbled something "that's because he is using mia and mia is using him" said my cousin leaha or in her masquerade name belle. "what?!?" i asked a little shocked and breathless.

>>Mia's P.O.V.<<

"so hum how do you know Ryder?" I asked squeaky because the silence at our table was killing me. "we go to the same school" she answered simply. I just nod "so have you met the. new girl yet" I ask. "o my god yes and she is a total hitch she gave me black eye and I had to cover it up with a shit load of make-up" she says in a annoying voice. I gasp as if I couldn't believe her. she just nods I agreement "why would she want to ever want to hit a girl like you" I say in a fake shock. " I don't know that bitch is crazy" she sneered I was about to say something like 'maybe she had a good reason to punch your crazy ass' but before I could open my mouth someone comes behind me and holds my shoulder. when I turn around I see either alec looking down at me with a smirk "care to dance with me" he says in a British accent. "yeah sure let's go." I say getting up when I turn around to face him he gave me a quick peck on the lips and we start to walk away but not before squeaky calls us back "Alec where's Ryder" "uhm he's in the bathroom he was a little upset about something he'll be back in a little bit" his voice sounds a little strained. "now let's go alec please I spent all last night learning how to dance this song and I don't want it to go to waste" I said pulling alec away from the skank as the song start to play.

(start playing song now)

"so babe what was wrong with Ryder that he stormed office that I mean like what the heel that was rude as fuck" I ask really curious to way he stormed out like that. "I don't know he didn't want to tell me" he answered. I nod and before any of us can say anything else the dj turns the music down "okay how about we all trade partners. so close your eyes spin two times and that's your new partner." everyone starts buzzing with excitement. "okay now everyone close your eyes" I look around and see alec close his eyes along with everyone else around me. hey what the hell I shrug and close my eyes myself. "okay now spin two times, Walk straight and turn to your left and meet your new partner. when I open my eyes I see alec looking down at me. "well looks like we're partners" I smirked

I smile as the music starts to play again and when we touch I felt chills run through my body for the first time since we've been going out. the part of the song plays where we stand so close our chest touch and I can feel Alec's breath on top of my head. I look up I don't have time to actually look at him because next thing I know alec crashes his lips to mine, and if I had to describe the kiss I only have one word for it and that word is magical.push listen to me I sound like a Freakn' prep. Alex's hand on my cheek brings me back to reality he gently caresses my cheek in his hand as he ask for permission to enter my mouth. after he let out a growl I smile and let his tongue fight my tongue as both fight for dominance.this is the best kiss I have ever experience. this is the type of kiss where you can feel sparks fly, the type of kiss which made your toes curl and makes you feel like your flying. a kiss that only gives you these feeling when you kiss the one you love.

when we pull away everyone around us is oblivious to the amazing feeling that I just experienced. the amazing bliss this boy just gave me. everyone is just still dancing to the song. I given to alec who is smirking down at me. I stare into his amazing hazel eyes which have speaks of brown and gold.wait what. alec doesn't have speaks of brown and gold in his eyes, this can't be him he stormed out and never came back. I furrow my eyebrows and whisper "Ryder?" the guy in front of me then sound me around so my back is to him "good-bye kitten" but the thing that confused me was he said it in a British accent but he called me the nickname Ryder calls me. I turn around and see two boys dressed the same walking out of the room. 


hey you guys guess who's finally 17!!! so anyway sorry It took so long to post I was having major writers block and I also didn't know how much to expose on who the mystery guy was so yeah.anyway I hope you guys liked the chapter. I'll try to play later this week bye!!!! 


p.s. check out my other story different wings. 

p.p.s. New story coming soon called captured royal 

p.p.p.s. remember to vote & comment. 

p.p.p.p.s. there's a lot of p.s.'s ^·^

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