Chapter 20-Welcome to the masqurade

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>>Mia's P.O.V.<<
I walk into a room full of girls "oh great" i think to myself "nothings better then standing in a room full of emotional girls" i mumble to myself "alright girls so you can't tell anyone who you are and if you noticed we escorted some girls out and some in. well the ones that got escorted out well they peeped. they told others what they were wearing or who they are so they got disqualified. how do we know well let's just go with we got eyes and ears everywhere so you've all been warned. so anyways your escorts are all waiting down stairs you will wait until your masqurade name is called and you will walk down the stairs and your escourt will take you to the ball room and you will get more instructions there." explained some some old lady.

"Oh my god it's like a real ball thing!" squeled a girl in excitment. "i know right" said her friend i just roll my eyes. "stupid annoying girls gunna fuckn' burst my ears out." muttered a girl with a british accent walking away from the squeling girls. "tell me about it i bet before we get down the stairs i'm going to loose my hearing" i snorted. the girl chuckled "sometimes i wish i could just pull their voice box out" she commented back "or rip their tongue out" i said. we starred at each other and burst out laughing "hi i'm le-i mean belle" she introduced her self sort of "i'm Ariel" i said

"Alright girls come on alphebetical order lets go" some guy ushered us out. Huh not to bad looking. as i passed him i winked his cheeks then turned pink. ahh i love getting those reactions making a guy blush is just so funny.

As i walk down the hall i was the third one to go down because the first two were aurora and then anistasia. "and also Ariel and her escourt erik" i heard a guy I walk down the stairs i see alec waiting for me at the bottem. i look around and see alec again? wait no i'm pretty sure that's ryder huh i wonder why they're wearing the same exact outfits. huh oh well who cares because right now i am making my way to a very good looking british guy waiting for me at the bottem of the stairs.

"Well someone looks like they're enjoying themselves." whispered alec into my ear. i laughed knowing i had the most goofiest smile on my face right now. "Oh shut up" i mumbled i walk in to the hall and pull alec right to our dinner table ready to eat. i don't know why people so surprised when they see how much i eat and stay fit.

After everyone was sitting in their seats ryder's mom walks into the room "welcome to the masqurade everyone this is welcoming our new resident to riverside." everyone claps looking around including me to make me look less suspicious "anyhow there is a twist to this masqurade what is it? well if you find our new resident we will send you,the new girl and ryder, and some of your friends all paid trip anywhere you want to go. origionally it was to our beach house but considering we all pretty much already live in a beach house we changed it." she explained. "holy shit that sounds expensive" i whispered "and also if no one finds her she and some people she makes friends with will go to anywhere she wants." I smirked "hey wanna help me blend in and we can both get away." he smirked and gave me a peck on my lips "of course love" he chuckled. i smiled and gave him a long kiss. "we got this shit babe." i laughed.

>Ryder's P.O.V.<
Seeing mia kiss alec pissed me the fuck off. I clenched my hand into a fist "hey hun you okay?" asked squeky... er... jenna. "Nothing" i growled starring at mia laugh at something alec said but before jenna saw me starring i looked away.

"Now to bring out the food!" yelled my mother. everone cheered mia cheering the loudest. Alec chuckled at her reaction and kissed her on the cheek. her cheeks turned a brihht pink, my fist clenched again i should be the one to be making her blush not my cousin. "Hey wanna go sit with my cousin and his date babe" i asked jenna. she smiled and nodded. mia and alec were leaning in for another kiss but i interrupted by calling "hey ariel and erik. me and my date decided to come and eat with you." i smirked "oh fun" mumbled mia, alec just chuckled and kissed her on the cheek again she just smiled. I just made a fake puking gesture. the waiters then came out with little slips of papers that read:
Apeitizers(a/n pretty sure i wrote that wrong):
[ ] soup
[ ] salad
[ ] hot wings
[ ] onion rings
Main Course:
[ ] salad
[ ] cheese burger w/fries
[ ] lobster
[ ] shrimp & crab legs
[ ] white spagetti
[ ] brownies
[ ] strawberry cake
[ ] ice cream
[ ] Vanilla
[ ] chocolate
[ ] strawberry
[ ] chocolate covered strawberries
[ ] fountin drink
Fill in: ______________
[ ] milk shake
[ ] Vanilla
[ ] chocolate
[ ] strawberry
[ ] Tea
[ ] water

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