Chapter 18-the Make-up

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Picture of mia's make-up and hair to the side (it might not be much but i liked it so yeah ^.^) FIRST CHAPTER OF DIFFRENT WINGS IS UP SO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!

>Ryder's P.O.V.<
"I hate preparing for parties and on top of that we had to fix the goddamn doors" i complained "oh like it's any fun for the others." said jake. "hey i didn't even break the damn doors foen and i still have yo fix them so shut up you two" conplaind liam "i'm with you there man" agreed ned. Just a frw mins. After mia and my mom left ned and liam walked in to eat some breakfeast they were promised awhile back ago but instead the got to help me and jake fix the stupid doors since my dad left to go get some party things done.

"Oh shut up and finish putting in the last godamn screws" said jake a little annoied. "Hey be nice ass be happy me and ned even stayed to help you idiots" snapped liam "hey why'd you guys even break down the doors ?" asked ned from mia's and jake looked at each other and then turned back to ned "no reason now get off your lazy ass and come and help" we both said at the same time. Liam and ned starred at us while me and jake starred at each other. after a secound of starring me and jake burst out laughing doing our old handshake from when we were little kids. while ned and liam stood there wide eyed. To them this was the strangest thing because usaully me and jake are at ech others throats. when me and jake were younger. we used always think and say the same thing all the time. and this inccedent just now reminds me how much i actualy miss my old best friend. "Uhm what the hell is goinh on?" asked a confused ned "i have no idea man but it's kind of creepy" said liam and ned nodding in agreement. i gave jake a look knowing he knows that we will need to talk about this later and he just agreed with a nod and we continued fixing the doors.

>>Mia's P.O.V.<<

"OW!" i complained. "Oh shush girl stop complaining i am trying to make you look beautiful for your partyy." "yeah well don't have to pull my hair out in the fuckn' process" i growled. the guy just ignored me and continued to bruch my hair. "i hate this" i complained "oh be quiet mia and go along with it" said maria. "fine" i grumbled i went the rest of the time without a complaint. well that is until fernando took out a pair of scissors "woah woah woah woah woah what the do you think you're doing " i said a little panicked.

"Oh relax i'm just going to cut some split ends." explained fernando "but-" i was cut iff before i could protest by maria Mia it's fine. fer turn her around and make sure she can't see herself until she is finally done" she instructed. "Wait no what if i enf up not liking it or something he'll then just mess it up." i said "fernando doesn't mess up now around you go for a new look for you." He said as he turns me around. i close my eyes and let him do what he does best and that's make people look pretty. i hear the snips of scissors cutting my hair, then the smell of my hair getting straighten. When he was done with my hair he moved on to my face. He caked some goop in my face "um what is this?" i asked. "shush child!" he yelled me and it shut me up. afterwards he starts adding what i think is blush. He then moved to my eyes.he added eyeshadow did my eyeliner and mascera, and some lipstick. "Alright Mia you are done!" He said excited. And he turns me around and i gasp at the sight.

>Ryder's P.O.V<

"Alright you guys see you at the party then and thanks for helping out" i said to liam and ned as they left to get ready for the party. Then i go back upstairs to help jake pick up the mess we made in mia's room. "Hey man can you help me get this" said jake just as i walked in. "Yeah sure liift in 3. 1...2..." and we both lift the broken glass door or whats left of it which is just empty little frames where the glass is suppose to be. while we are going down the stairs jake finally broke the silence "so wanna go watch sinister after this?" he asked "yeah sure man" i said

We made our way downstairs and right when we both made out way to the last step the door flew open. "i hate this" mumbled mia as she walked through the door. "oh hush mia you look beautiful boys will you tell mia she looks good" we both look at mia and our mouths fell open and the heavy door slips from my hands and also from jake's. the door then falls on both of our foots and we both yell out in pain "higo de se reputa madre!!!!"(son of a bitch pretty sums up those words up)me and jake both yell at the same time. "yeah see that's what i thought i'm going to go take this gunk off" said mia making her way to the stairs "woah mia no don't you look good" i said grabbing her waist "Don't! don't touch me ryder don't think i haven't forgotten what you said" she growled at me. "no mia seriously don't you look good mi's you look good." said jake. "fine but i have to go change and get ready for the party." she said heading up the stairs..

after we take the door out me and jake go back inside to watch sinister, but before we got to the show room my mom called me to the room. i told jake to meet me in the game room. "what's up mami" i asked my mother. "ryder you aren't going to be mia's escort anymore sorry sweetheart" she said and for some reason i felt disappointment and anger go through me "and why not" i asked straining to keep my voice even. "well for one she is still very pissed at you and it's okay sweetheart i'll ask you cousin alec to esscort her. i know they will both get along i mean the both don't like following the rules." i felt even more anger but i had to keep my cool i couldn't get mad again. so i just nod and walk into the show room. "hey man just press play i already put the movie in and i already grabbed the sodas and popcorn." jake said "alright" i press play on the movie and sit down. "ready for the mix" i turned to him hell yeah man." laughed jake. i take my coke and he takes his orange fanta soda and we mix them together like when we were younger. for some reason when we were fixing the doors we managed to get our old friendship back. once the movie finished jake and me did our old handshake and he left to get ready for the party which started in thirty mins.

"RYDER!!!!" yelled my mother from mia's room "yeah!?" i yelled back "go get your cousin from his house he needs a ride and then get ready for the party young man!" she said from the intercom "alright" and with that i went to go pick up my cousin Alec who will be my mia's escort. wait she isn't even mine what the hell am i saying.

+Unknown person #2 P.O.V.+

"hello?" said the boss "the three are back together" i explained to him. "which three you idiot do you know how many kids there are that i didn't get to take because i almost got caught." he growled. i rolled my eyes and sighed "Mia Sanchez, Ryder Luz, and Jake Porreca." i told him. "ahh my little prizes i was wondering when they would come together again." he said "yeah well they're back together and all friends again execpt mia and ryder she hates him." i explained again "well that won't do so fix it!" he growled and hung up the phone. idiot.


yayyy i poste sorry i posted late i had loads of homework and all that shit but aaaannnnnnnyyyywayyyyy i'll posy more either today or tomorrow. so anyway what did you guys think yeah i knoe sort of a bad chapter but hey the last part is kind of important. so that's all i gots to say for today but before i go i got one more thing to say. i want to read some of your stories so comment your stories and if it looks good i might read it and if i like it you might get  a shoutout on both you and your book. so yeah byeee kittens love ya


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