Chapter 6.

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Amelia's P.O.V:

What the hell was that all about? I didn't dwell on that long because I brought the flowers that Nathan brought me up to my face and smelt their wonderful scent. I couldn't keep the goofy grin off my face if I tried either because even though I had only known him for a day he made me feel special, and I won't lie if it was any other girl I would have told her that she was being ridiculous and that she was just kidding herself if she expected a relationship out of it, but I couldn't help it, he made me feel special. I mean the way he just listened to me and held me as I cried made me want to wrap my arms around him and never let him go because no other male apart from my dad - and even then I omitted some things from him - he was the only one that listened to me when I needed someone to talk to. The only thing that was strange about the whole night in his company was that it felt familiar and I am determined to work out why.

Slamming doors brought me out of my thoughts as Belle and Roxy climbed in the car and Belle began to drive. I turned quickly to face Nathan and blew him a kiss which brought a smile to his face and then I waved and turned around to face the front. "What's wrong guys?" I asked softly, knowing that something had put them in a bad mood. Roxy turned to face me "What makes you think that something is wrong?" I smirked "Besides the fact that you have a face like a smacked ass? Well, I guess it would have to be the fact that if you slammed that door any harder it would have come out the other side of the car" I replied sarcastically.

"It's nothing" I snorted in a very lady like way "Clearly it was nothing. Tell me Roxy, you know that we never keep anything from each other." she sighed "I know but I don't think it's something that you want to know that's all" I blew out a breath and gave in "Alright, just know that I'm here if you ever want to tell me what's going on" she nodded but other than that kept quiet and I knew that, that was the end of the discussion so I looked down to the flowers that Nathan had given me and smiled again. I rotated them in my hands and noticed that there was a note that had fallen down in between two stems. I pulled it out and my heart melted a little bit

'Amelia, I hope you have a good time away during the next two weeks! I hope you don't forget about me because I sure as hell won't forget about you! I look forward to seeing you again, if you'll let me that is. See you soon, fingers crossed. Nathan x

I couldn't help the aww that escaped my lips and I read and re-read the note. "What's got you all mushy?" Belle asked as she pulled up into a service station - blimey we've been driving for the past hour. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? Anyway, I thought it was a good idea to reply "Oh nothing, I was just looking at the note Nathan had put with these flowers." I saw in the mirror that Belle raised her eyebrows but didn't comment, all she did was change the subject. "Lia can you go and buy us some coffees please?" I put down the flowers "Yeah sure I'll be back, might take a bit longer though 'cause I have to pee" they both smiled "Of course you have to pee, when don't you have to pee?" Belle joked "Thanks guys, feeling the love here" I replied sarcastically. I opened the car door and got out "I'll try and be as quick as I can" and I wandered off into the service station.


Roxy's P.O.V:

I watched as Lia walked off into the service station and silently fumed because the reason she was happy was because of that asshole Nathan. I almost recognised Ashton as soon as he sat down and that was only because his smile was still the same - not the one that got all the girls, the one that meant that he was happy and it was actually genuine.

I prayed that it wasn't them but eventually he told me that my suspicions were indeed correct and so I beat his ass - although I did go gentle on him because he was not as bad Nate because he slept with her! She is going to be heartbroken to know that the 'super nice guy' she talked to and slept with is actually the guy that bullied and humiliated her in high school. Amelia always wore her heart on her sleeve and so when she had her accident and he didn't turn up she was gutted because everyone in the neighbourhood heard about it the next day. She thought that he was different and was only mean to her because he couldn't admit his feelings but I knew that it was because he was a douchebag but I didn't want to hurt her any more than she already was so when she woke up from the coma I tried to change the subject whenever she brought it up, suffice to say that most of the time it worked.

Back to the present, I looked over at Belle "Should we tell her?" she placed her head in her hands and sighed "I don't know, I want to because she is our friend and she deserves to know but then again I don't want to because he should man up and tell her himself." I bit my lip and thought about what to do and then light a smack to the face, it hit me "I know what to do. All we need to tell her is that we ran into Mindy Penshaw today and she said that she saw Nate, Ash and J." Belle looked weary "Is telling her that Mindy saw them such a good idea? I mean, she did encourage the bullying?" I looked out the window "Yeah I know but then we ask her, her feelings towards seeing them again, especially Nate and keep the fact that we know the truth about who they really are quiet" she nodded somewhat reluctantly "Alright, but if this blows up in our face because he rats us out then I'm blaming you, deal?" I agreed "Yeah, deal"

After about 10 minutes Amelia came back looking slightly flustered so I got out to give her a hand "Are you alright?" she nodded "Yeah, took longer than I expected because the worker thought that he would work at getting into my knickers rather than getting me my coffee" I laughed and she huffed "Don't laugh it makes me uncomfortable receiving attention from males" I snorted "Yeah because you felt really uncomfortable when you slept with Nathan" she blushed but got in the car "Okay, so are you going to tell me what's going on with you then or am I going to have to beg?" I paled along with Belle when Lia asked us that because I knew that I was going to have to spew this lie to my best friend and hope that at the end of the day she didn't hate me for it.

"Okay so earlier today..."


Amelia's P.O.V:

" and Belle were walking towards the club to check that the workers were okay with holding the fort while we were away and we ran into Mindy Penshaw" I sucked in a breath "Mindy? Oh God, now I understand the faces I would rather poke my eyes out with red hot needles than spend a minute of my life talking to her." they both laughed but I got the feeling there was more "Sorry, continue." Roxy took a deep breath and continued "Well anyway she told us that she saw Nate, Ash and J walking in and out of Nate's house this morning. Meaning that they are back from where ever they went 10 years ago. I know that she came to rub our faces in it again because she always liked Nate and she knew that we would tell you and that's it, I'm sorry." I sucked in a large breath "Wow. I wasn't expecting that when I asked you what's wrong."

I placed my head in my hands as Belle asked "How do you feel about seeing them again? Seeing Nate again?" I bit my lip as I thought of a response "I honestly don't know. I sent him and the others an invite to the reunion but I didn't expect them to actually turn up to it. Oh God" I felt myself about to start whining and I knew that it wasn't a good sign "Oh come on! Really? I think when I see him I'll probably slap him in the face. No correction I'll punch him in the face. The embarrassment I went through in high school just because he couldn't be bothered to tell Mindy fucking Penshaw that he liked me, I mean everyone picked on me for shits and giggles but it really hurt. I thought he loved me. So he won't be receiving a warm welcome on my end when I see him, neither will his asshole friends."

I heard Roxy and Belle laughing up the front of the car and I unintentionally turned my anger on them "I don't know what you two are laughing at, Ashton and Jordan fucked you two over as well didn't they?" well that certainly shut them up and I suddenly felt really guilty "I'm sorry, can we just get a move on I want to forget that I have to see his ugly mug at the reunion and want to enjoy the two weeks of peace and relaxation I have planned, here and in another country." they both nodded and we spent the rest of the car journey in silence because none of us knew what to say about the situation.

All I knew was that if I saw Nate before the reunion he is a dead man.


Whoa Amelia is not a happy bunny now is she?

Let me know what you think of this story by voting and commenting if you like it :D

I hope you are liking the story so far! I am enjoying writing it so I do hope that you enjoy reading it :D

The song on the right is 'Never Gonna Be Alone' by Nickelback. I chose this song because it seems like something that Belle and Roxy would say to Lia "You are never going to be alone" because she has them through anything. :D

Have a good day/ night wherever you are!

Lauren xxx

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