Chapter 16

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The rest of the car ride both Nate and I sat in silence, nothing uncomfortable but it was just what we needed to gather our thoughts. We needed it as I knew that the conversations that would occur between us would be quite hard hitting, and hopefully bring us together, and not for the first time, apart.

The sound of the indicator roused me from my thoughts, and the first thing I noticed was the large, extremely beautiful cabin sat nestled between an array of trees. The gasp escaped me before I could control it. Nate looked over at me as he slowly pulled up the driveway. 

"You like?" I grabbed his hand as soon as the car came to a stop "Nate, this is absolutely beautiful. Where on earth did you find something like this on such short notice?" the blush crept up as soon as I finished and he replied "For now I'd like to keep that bit of information to myself. Come on" as soon as he then turned around to get out of the car I grabbed his face between my hands "Oh no, you can't just leave it at that, now I'm really intrigued." the laugh that escaped him caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Nothing will ever prepare me for his husky laugh. "Nope, still not telling." and with that he kissed my lips briefly and climbed out of the car.

The cabin itself was far larger than what we both needed but who was I was I to complain? I mean, there was a gorgeous fireplace that was the centerpiece of the living room. The rooms were like nothing I had ever seen; large king size bed, en-suite bathroom with a Jacuzzi bath and a walk in shower, and the walk in wardrobe was literally what dreams were made of.  An american style fridge-freezer was surrounded by the most amazing kitchen. Belle would be in her absolute element. This is every chef/baker's dream. 

That thought brought me out of my good mood. Sinking onto the sofa I cradled my face in my hands and thought of the way I had spoken to not only Belle, but Roxy too. My two best friends, the two people I should love no matter what, were spoken to in the most horrendous way. I mean, what they did was wrong but nothing warrants being spoken to like that. I'm not a malicious person, not in the slightest but I felt like a totally different person last night, and I don't know if they will ever forgive the mean things that I said to them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I felt Nate crouching down in front of me and then run his hands up my thighs. "I'm such a bad person, Nate. I was so horrible to Belle and Roxy." my hands were pried away from my face before he responded. "That's absolute nonsense. You reacted to a situation in a way that most people would have responded to in the exact same way. If anything, this is all my fault. I told them not to say anything because this was my mess." I watched as he moved to sit next to me "I came between you and your friends and there is nothing I can do to make up for that." 

I nodded in agreement as I knew it was true. This whole commotion was caused because Nate decided to lie to me in the first place. "Nate, I want you to start from the beginning and explain everything. Leave anything out and we're over. We cannot start a healthy relationship if it is based on lies." he turned to face me and grabbed my hands in his and began to tell me everything.

"I have loved you from the very beginning. At first I thought that if I was nice to you then you would like me back, but then I was told that to get the girl you have to show her interest, but you cannot be nice about it." he shook his head "What an absolute moron. I mean, why did I ever think pulling that shit would ever work? I think a part of me knew that but I was so desperate for you to like me that I did what I thought, at the time, was the right way to go about it. Now I know I couldn't have been more wrong." I blew out the breath that I was holding and knew that he needed to continue, so he did.

"Remember the time we were paired together for a project and you had to come to mine? I literally had the thought that if I were to die right there and then, I would die a happy man. I had always wanted you to meet my parents but I knew you were never interested in doing anything with me.                                                                                                                                                                                                       "I cannot remember why, but somehow we ended up cuddling on my sofa and I remember thinking that I needed to start being nicer to you and being honest with you. I had always dreamed of joining the military and I knew that as I had already enrolled I would be sent off to training as soon as I finished school. I wanted to tell you, truly I did but I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth." he did? 

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