Chapter 11

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Lia's P.O.V:

"I'm sorry, I am such a mess" I chuckled at how pathetic I looked. "It's no problem honestly. Look, why don't you come inside and tell us what happened" Sophia offered, agreeing with her I made way to get up and walk inside until I saw Danny looking over my shoulder with a hard yet confused look on his face "Bro, you alright?" I smiled at him. Whatever caused him to look over my shoulder was clearly important because instead of looking at me as he spoke he continued looking forward "Why don't we sit out here, it's a lovely night and besides we don't want to wake up Charlotte" I agreed and took a seat next to him on the porch swing.

Rocking gently on the swing I began to tell Danny everything "Back in high school the only people that were nice to me was Belle and Roxy, we always helped each other out with everything and we were best friends. During that time there were three guys that seemed to hate us the most; me especially. Whenever we were alone Nate was the sweetest guy and made me feel so special until he was around his friends where he would join in on the bullying." I sucked in a huge breath "I loved him." the stream of tears flooded down my face as I said that because whatever I feel for him now is so far beyond love that the concept to me now is laughable. I just couldn't help myself when I said "He had slightly long hair that would fall in front of his eyes that I would always push out of the way when we were together. I don't think he realised but I did that just to look into his eyes. They are the window to the soul and I always thought that I saw genuine affection perhaps even love when he looked at me. How wrong was I?"

"Asshole" I heard Danny mutter "Alright, now explain to me what that has to do with the state you are currently in" I nodded my head and continued "Well, two weeks ago when I was at Roxy's club there were three guys there that were really nice and easy to talk to, one especially, Nathan, well he made more of an effort to talk to me and I thought he really liked me. We...uh...slept together and things were great he was texting me and we were going to meet up when I returned from the school trip. Well turns out that the 'Nathan' that I met from the club was in fact 'Nate' the asshole that bullied me in high school. The worst thing about the whole thing was that everyone knew but me, my friends knew but me and no one thought to tell me. No, they thought that the best thing for me would be to find out in front of all my old classmates, surrounded by my friends. If I never see them again it will be too soon."

I heard Danny sigh before he turned my face to look at him "Wait right here alright, I've just seen someone that needs to move along" I nodded because I couldn't care less I just felt like moping around eating Ben and Jerry's and watching romance films to have a good cry and complain about the failure that is my love life.

Danny's P.O.V:

Seeing my baby sister hurt that made me want to smash that guy's face in, no one was going to make her cry whilst I was around. I may not have been there when she was in high school but I'm here now and I will make up for everything. Starting with dealing with the loser in the full car that is blatantly watching and listening to Lia.

As I got closer to the car and I realised that the driver was clearly Nate I asked "Want to tell me why you are sat here listening to a private conversation?" I saw this Nate guy begin to get annoyed which was what I was aiming for "We need to talk to Lia" I shook my head "Not happening" I heard one of the girls in the back crying harder now "Please, it's important. We all made a huge mistake and we need to apologise" I once again shook my head "Not fucking happening. That girl over there is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and does not need people like you in her life that clearly just fuck her around." I continued looking into Nate's eyes to let him know just how serious I was "Leave now"

I walked back over towards Lia "Hey, I'm going back inside now are you going to be alright here?" before I saw her nod I noticed a bedroom light flicker on. That meant Charlotte was up, nothing ever got past her. "Sure, I want some time alone." I smirked "Sorry but it looks like Charlotte is on her way down. I'm sure she'll be able to cheer you up." she laughed and I was glad because no one as sweet as her deserved to be upset "See you in a bit. I love you" she got up and hugged me "I love you too."

Amelia's P.O.V:

I had no chance to sit down before I heard "AUNTY LIA! AUNTY LIA" turning around in time to catch Charlotte, or Lotte as I called her, in my arms and giver her a bone crushing hug "LOTTE" I responded in an equally happy tone, she didn't need to know that I was upset. "How I my favourite person in the whole world doing?" I asked as I span her around in my arms "Great" she giggled as she loved being spun, what child doesn't?

Eventually I had to stop as I was getting dizzy so I asked her to tell me how school has been going as she has recently started. At the end of the question I noticed her look at her hands "Fine" she mumbled quietly but even with my terrible hearing I heard the crack in her voice "Hey what's wrong?" I got nothing so I sat her on my lap with one hand around her waist to keep her steady and the other gently on her chin so that she looked at me "Now you will tell me right now you little munchkin what is wrong or I will have to dance all on my own" she shrieked at me "No! Aunty Lia we do that together!" I smiled "I know sweety so what's wrong. You can trust me" I laughed at myself because I knew that my friends have repeatedly told me that I could "trust them" when in reality I couldn't.

"Aunty Lia you're silly" I laughed at her and blew a raspberry on her cheek "So what's made you sad?" she whispered softly "A boy" I leant closer "I'm sorry did you say a boy?" even I heard the smile in my voice as I saw her blush "Yeah his name is Riley and he picks on me all the time. He's a meany" I hugged her closer "Sweety have you thought that maybe he is mean to you because he has a crush on you?" if it was possible she blushed an even brighter shade of red "No all boys are mean. That's why daddy says that I need to stay away from them forever. Till I'm 40!" I gasped "40? Now why would he say that?" she smiled a big toothy grin "Daddy says that I'm pretty so I need to be left alone by boys but I don't mind they're all smelly." I silently aw'd at her "No I'm pretty sure he likes you sweety but maybe you should just walk away next time he is mean to you and tell him to never speak to you again unless it is something nice. That way he will learn that he needs to be nice to the girl he likes"

"Why are you sad aunty Lia?" I bowed my head and tried thinking of a suitable answer "Uh...boy troubles" Lotte smiled at me "Just like me. Does this boy like you too?" I shook my head "No darling he doesn't, he was mean to me because he hates me. Even convinced my friends to be mean to me too" her little face got angry "I don't like them 'cause they made you sad aunty Lia. I hope I never meet them." hugging her close I replied "Me too"

We both sat in silence for a couple of minutes before I felt Lotte start wriggling in my arms so I let her down and she dashed inside "Kids, they always bring a smile to your face even when one shouldn't belong there." I mumbled just as I heard Lotte's heavy footsteps against the wooden flooring "Lia will you come on holiday with us?" I turned to see Lotte with a massive grin and something behind her back "Really? And where would we be going?" she ran over to me keeping whatever was behind her back hidden "Daddy has another trip and me and mummy are going can you come please? Daddy always leaves me with nana but now I can come too and so can you." she was literally bouncing where she was standing "Sure it's not like I have anything keeping me here anyway. Where are we going?" "ITALY" she screamed at me sounding all excited so I scooped her up in my arms again and span her around "Oooh Italy huh? Well my little Lotte I would love to come with you, we can go shopping and get our nails done to make ourselves extra gorgeous can't we?" she nodded eagerly and handed me what was in her hand.

A plane ticket.

Set to leave in two days.


Let me know what you think please :D

I imagine Lia saying to herself to 'Stop Crying Your Heart Out' as they are not worth her tears.

The picture is how I imagine Lia and Lotte to look when they are talking.

I hope you liked it, especially when I added in Danny's P.O.V. I originally hadn't planned to put him in but as I was writing it felt right. I hope you agree!

 Vote / Comment. You know, do your thing :L

Have a good day/night wherever you are when you are reading this! :D

Lauren xxx

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