Chapter 14

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Nate's P.O.V:

Shock would honestly be an understatement right now. I know I wanted Lia to forgive me with every breath left in me but there was always this voice in my head causing me to second guess myself, and to be honest, with the way I behaved, not in a million years did I actually expect her to give me another chance.

My last chance.

This was something that I would not mess up! Amelia Hartford is my sunshine on a rainy day, the wind beneath my wings and my reason to live. The only way I would ruin this would be death and even then I would go down all guns blazing! Not even the grim reaper could stop me!

As soon as I left Lia I phoned Jordan hoping, no praying, that he was still with Ash and the girls. "J, I need you four to meet me at mine now." I heard him quieten down the others "You're on speaker phone mate, what's up?" I couldn't stop smiling as I spoke "I need your help, Lia has given me one last chance and I need some help to make sure that she doesn't regret this." there was some shuffling and a voice was heard "You're really serious?" ah, it was Belle "As a heart attack." They agreed to meet me at mine and help me. All I needed was to get a taxi.

After about 15 minutes a taxi pulled up and I noticed the driver look up at me with an ice cold glare. "Dad, are you alright?" I asked as I climbed in "Sometimes I wonder if your mother and I ever raised you right" he said solemnly. What?! "Of course you did! What's brought this on?" he sighed "I met a woman earlier, sweet lady, anyway, she told me this story about a Nathan Valentine and how he hurt her -" I sucked in a sharp breath as he looked me dead in the eye and continued "- I assumed that she was just another one of your 'women' but no, it just so happens that you broke the heart of sweet, innocent Amelia Hartford. How could you Nathan? That girl worships the ground you walk on, has since high school."

I was taken back, I had no idea he remembered her. I mean, I know he was fond of her but I clearly didn't know just how fond he was of her. "What has happened is 100 per cent my fault and I take full responsibility for that. I was a complete ass hole to her when we were younger and I have behaved just as badly now, if not worse and she has found it in her heart to grant me one last chance and under no circumstances am I going to stuff this up!" there was a glint in his eye "You better not son, I love that girl as if she was my own. You know your mother always wanted you to end up together. Every time you were together she hoped it was because you were finally a couple. I hope she gets her wish at last." I nodded "Me too dad, me too." He smiled at me and began to drive towards my house when he spoke again, "Do you have an idea on how to get her back?" I shook my head "Not yet, I am trying to remember all of the little things that she likes and incorporate them into my plans." I paused for a slight moment before continuing "I thought about taking her up to Golden Oak for a week, maybe go hiking, walking and relaxing in front of the fire. Lia doesn't care much for grand gestures so I hope that she likes this. Big things come in small packages and a cottage in the middle of no where is perfect."

I hoped that I was right because I could not afford to mess this up and besides what girl doesn't like a romantic cottage and settling down in front of an open fire?

"Son? Are you talking about the cottage that you grandmother left for you?" I nodded "Yeah me and my wife. Look, I know that we are not married yet but she is it for me, there is no one else that I could love like I love her and so she will one day become my wife." my father looked some-what proud as he heard me speak which I was grateful for because I could not handle him being disappointed in me.

A short time later my dad pulled up outside my house and I thanked him as I climbed out. My hands were sweating as I approached my front door. In my living room sat Jordan, Ashton, Isabelle and Roxanne who were discussing my relationship with Amelia. I wanted to hear what they had to say so I kept quiet.

"I feel so horrible." I heard Isabelle cry out "I mean I am supposed to be her best friend and I hurt her. I never wanted to hurt her, God knows that girl has suffered enough in her life." I heard what sounded like Jordan consoling her "It will be alright babe I promise." babe? What the hell have I missed? "We know that Lia has given Nate another chance so it is not too late to talk to her and get her to listen to you." I sighed knowing that the reason for her hurt was due to me and my careless actions so I closed the front door alerting them of my presence and wandered in to the lounge to talk to them. "How are you guys?" I asked them as I sat down in the recliner in the corner "Feeling hopeful now that Lia has spoken to you, it means there is a possibility that we too may also be forgiven, for that I am feeling very hopeful. However, right now we need to discuss your plans to win over Lia again. So, tell me the thoughts you have had so far" I gave Roxy a bit of breathing room and told them about my plan to take her to the cottage for a week and treat her like a Queen; I would do whatever she wanted just to make her happy. "What do you think?" I asked tentatively, hoping that they liked it and it would be appropriate for Lia.

"It's perfect!" Belle gushed "Now get packed and go get your woman!" I ran upstairs to where I kept my suitcase and quickly packed everything that I needed as well as picking up a few dvd's that I knew were a huge favourite of Lia's, showered and climbed into bed and dreamt of the future that I wanted to share with her. 


Hello! First of I hope you liked the chapter, I know that it isn't very long but the next chapter will be longer and from the point of view of Lia who will get to see the cottage and you can see how Nate treats her and becomes the man that every girl wants. *Swoon* :L

I apologise, this chapter has not been proof read as I simply do not have the time - the food is calling my name and I would rather eat, drink and be merry than proof read haha. If there are any major problems let me know and I will fix them, thank you! Sorry for the inconvenience if it is terrible to read!

Anyway, Merry Christmas and  a Happy New Year! I hope that you all get everything that you want and don't forget to leave out the milk and cookies for Santa and the carrot for the reindeer! :D Happy Holidays! :D

Vote, Comment and Follow! Much love!!

Lauren xxx

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